From the Principal

Rowing together

At the end of a busy term, it is pertinent to recall a message from Pope Francis in the early days of the pandemic. He referenced the Gospel of Matthew which tells of how Jesus and his disciples were struck by a sudden storm while sailing on the Sea of Galilee. He said, We have realised that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other.’ Let us continue to be people of hope as we row together.


We are Easter people, and the message of new life and hope will be celebrated on Easter Sunday. This week we prepare for Palm Sunday and the commencement of Holy Week. The Gospels of the past few weeks have reinforced the Lenten message of forgiveness as we wait for Easter and realign our own lives.


Our Year 7 Campion students led a beautiful Liturgy last week as part of the Campion Day celebrations. The purple Campion shirts matched the purple Lenten cloths and vestments and were also a pretty good prelude for a Western Derby on the weekend!


During the Liturgy, I referenced the movie, Belfast, which tells the story of conflict in Northern Ireland through the eyes of a young boy in the late 1960s. I found the story particularly fascinating for two reasons. Firstly, it was interesting to view the conflict through the lens of a Protestant boy and secondly, I was about the same age of the boy living a very different life in Perth at that time. It was a time to reflect on the blessings that are afforded to us all living in Western Australia.

A sense of gratitude

At the conclusion of term, we extend our best wishes to staff concluding their time at the College or commencing a period of leave:

  • Mr Dustin Fromm – Primary Teacher
  • Mrs Nitasha Horner – Humanities Teacher
  • Ms Lisa Moloney – Education Assistant
  • Ms Carly Moore – Primary Mary Ward Teacher
  • Mrs Debra Patroni - Assistant Canteen Manager
  • Mrs Kathy Peisley – Vice Principal Personal Assistant
  • Mrs Mary-Jane Rowbottam – Food Technologies Assistant
  • Mrs Jan Tydde – Uniform Shop
  • Ms Lynn Walters – Assistant Bursar
  • Ms Jillian Wilson – Canteen

We thank each of these staff members for their contribution to the College.

Farewell Father Rodrigo


Overheard outside the Chapel:

'Our chaplain is Father Rodrigo – he’s really funny!  Well, he’s serious about religion but he’s relatable, because he laughs and tells jokes!'

The occasion was the first day of Term 1 a couple of years ago, and Year 7 students were being given a tour of the campus with their senior school buddy. 


The description encapsulates the kind of presence that Fr Rodrigo Da Costa Ponte has had in the College for close to six years. His youth and sense of fun appeal to the students. In addition, students, families and staff have all appreciated Fr Rodrigo’s deep spirituality, a great presence of mind, his willingness to be flexible and, especially, his compassionate accompaniment in times of sorrow or need. 


Fr Rodrigo came to the College as a newly ordained priest, not yet thirty years old, in Second Semester 2016. Originally from the city of Brasilia, he decided to become a priest at age 18. Knowing he could be sent anywhere in the world, Fr Rodrigo hoped to not be sent to an English-speaking country as he was 'no good at English' in secondary school. It has to be said that he already spoke three other languages fluently: Portuguese, Spanish and Italian! He arrived in Australia in 2007 and, clearly, had good teachers, as his English is excellent!


During his time at the College, Fr Rodrigo has presided over many liturgical celebrations, both on campus and in other parishes, for members of the John XXIII College family. Friday morning community liturgies at 8:00am have been a particular highlight. While ensuring that staff and students are on time for Homeroom, the Eucharist feels unrushed, and Fr Rodrigo’s short homilies get to the heart of the Gospel message for the day. 


On one occasion an alumnus even asked – in a most complimentary manner – if Fr Rodrigo was a Jesuit! (He is not!) Given the Ignatian heritage of the College, the question might be considered high praise!  Joking aside, Fr Rodrigo has brought to the John XXIII College community diverse gifts and a commitment to Christ that he has freely shared with us. He will be much missed as he leaves the College and the Parish of Cottesloe to continue his priestly ministry in the Parish of St Brigid’s in Midland. We pray that God will bless Fr Rodrigo in this new chapter of his vocation.



Robert Henderson
