New Excursion Policy

Information for Parents and Students

New Excursion Policy 

Information for Parents and Students


This term we have introduced a new Camps, Sports and Excursion policy at Woodmans Hill. This policy has tightened our organisational structures and timelines to ensure the smooth running of all events here at school. 



  • To improve organisation of events at Woodmans Hill 
  • To improve communication to students and parents about events, excursions and camps at Woodmans Hill 
  • To ensure that there is a spread of camps, sports and excursions throughout each term, at each years level to avoid too much learning disruption for all students. 



  • Staff are required to meet timelines for approvals of all camps, sports and excursions and these timelines are not flexible
  • Staff are required to have 80% of attendance notes returned at least 3 days prior for any camp, sporting event or excursion to go ahead
  • Staff will communicate earlier to families and students about camps, sports and excursions and these will be uploaded to Compass earlier
  • Staff are now no longer allowed to seek permission on the day via phone calls



  • Please ensure that you use Compass to regularly check what is coming up for your child – if they haven’t presented you with a permission form for an event listed – remind them and ask them for it! 
  • Please ensure that you send permission forms back at your earliest convenience to ensure your child’s attendance is noted and to prevent their events being cancelled