Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Families,

As you may have been aware, last week I attended a Principal's Conference and was extremely fortunate to have heard from some very well know International speakers on the theme of Hope.  I have included here a short summary of the conference outline as it was such a great experience. 

'With numerous world threatening events taking place – ranging from tensions between the superpowers, to climate change, emerging technologies, viruses and an epidemic of mental health issues, it's sometimes hard to have hope. Particulary for our young people.
As we begin to emerge from the shadow of COVID 19 and the huge consequences this has held for educators around the globe and more specifically in our Victorian Catholic Primary Schools, it is time for us to come together to hear how our role in creating and developing hope in our students and our school communities can help to change the world!
One of the core principles of an emerging new time is the resurgence of HOPE.
Hope being the expectation of positive outcomes, the cherishing of a desire for the future and celebrating each other.
Now is the greatest time in the world’s history where hope and positive change will be the ONLY way forward.
More than ever, the leaders in our Catholic Primary Schools with their teachers and all staff are charged with working together in humanity to develop hope in our students, optimism in our communities and the understanding that together we can create a solution driven future for all. Learning how to make a positive difference in the world is how children can develop confidence, optimism and hope.

I hope that I am able to bring some of the great messages I heard over those few days into our school community. 

Prayer  - for Forgiving  Others

Dear Merciful Lord,Thank you for your gift of forgiveness. Your only Son loved me enough to come to earth and experience the worst pain imaginable so I could be forgiven. Your mercy flows to me in spite of my faults and failures. Your Word says to “clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” (Col. 3:14) Help me demonstrate unconditional love today, even to those who hurt me. 



The Fourth Week of Lent

With this week, we begin the second part of Lent.  We ask more and more deeply to be with and like Jesus.  We desire to celebrate the approaching mystery of our salvation with greater freedom and greater joy.

Each day's gospel will now be from the Gospel according to John.  We can't avoid the feeling of being in a court room for a grand trial.  There are "witnesses" and "testimony."  It is a battle between the forces of Darkness and the Light. The opposition to Jesus mounts.  It is inevitable that he will be killed.


COVID Updates

Whilst, for the most part, we have been quite fortunate with the low number of positive cases in our community  there have been a few in recent days which just reminds us all that we still need to continue with our safe practices including the wearing of masks when in school buildings and the regular use of hand sanitizer and social distancing when possible.  Please keep up the Rapid Antigen Testing especially if anyone in your household is feeling unwell. 


Multicultural Family Night

Have a great time tonight!

Our sincere  thanks to Nick,  Ms Caitlin's Fiance for very generously supplying our Ice Cream Trolley  for tonight's Family Celebration.  If any families are interested please see below your invitation to attend the launch of Fordham's Ice-Cream this weekend. 


School Closure Day - Student Wellbeing

A reminder that next Thursday school will conclude for all students at 3:15pm.  There will be a student free day for all staff at Trinity who will be attending a Positive Behaviours for Learning, Student Wellbeing Professional Learning Day.  As part of this process we will also, next term, be looking for one or two parents who might like to join our PBL Team to give their input and add some parent voice to our decision making process in this important area. If you think this is something you might like to be involved in please let me know, either by email or in person. 


Parent Information Sheets

From 2018, the student with disability loading of Commonwealth funding for schools has been based on the Nationally Consistent Collection Data on Students with Disability (NCCD). This model assists schools to gain a greater understanding of their student population and recognise support and adjustments provided.  In addition, it allows for schools to review learning and support systems, as well as develop professional judgement of school teams in making educational adjustments for students with disability, rather than relying on a medical or clinical diagnosis alone.

Please read the information sheets included in this newsletter which outline the NCCD in greater detail.  If you have any questions, I am more than happy to clarify queries you may have.

Mrs Helen Varthalis

Learning Diversity Leader

I have included one in English and one in Vietnamese. If you would like this information in any other languages please email me and let me know. 

English Version
English Version
Vietnamese Version
Vietnamese Version

Ride to School Day 

What a great sucess this event was and it was wonderful to hear that so many families participated. Thanks to Ms Antonella and Ms Belinda for their part in the organization as well as many other staff members and a number of our students. Of course we would love to see more children riding or scooting to school so that parents can leave their cars at home more often Good excercise and great for the environment.  Thanks Mrs Recce for the wonderful photos.

Dogs on Playground

Could I please remind all parents that we do not bring dogs into the school playgrounds or buildings as there have been a number of requests from parents who have children either afraid or allergic to dogs. 


2023 Enrolments

Thank you to all those parents who completed this form last week. We are currently meeting with new families interested in enrolling their children into Prep for 2023. We would also like to get an idea of how many of our current families may also have children ready to start Prep next Year. If any of our current families have children who will be enrolling in Prep for 2023 could you please complete the form below by clicking on the button so we can add you to our communication list.




Friday Assembly

This weeks assembly will be held outdoors on he playground in light of a number of recent positive cases at the school. Parents are still welcome to attend. For those of you who are unable to attend onsite you are able to join us online tomorrow from 2:45pm, here is the  Google MEET link  


Community News 

After School Soccer Program

(See Local Community Page)


Also advertising 

  • Lennox Market
  • Karate Lessons
  • Fitzroy City Soccer Club
  • Dance Lessons
  • Music Lesson

Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
