Year 7 Camp

Year 7 had an incredibly exciting start to Week 10 as they boarded buses to Narrabeen Sport and Rec Centre for a two-day camp. During these two days students were challenged to push themselves past what they thought they were capable of. Across the two days, the students participated in land-based activities such as bush walking, archery, and initiative games, and water activities including stand up paddle boarding, raft building, and kayaking.


We were very fortunate to be visited by the school prefect council on Monday night. They brought with them two enjoyable activities: trivia and group games. The Year 7 students loved the opportunity to connect with the older students in such a fun environment and became very competitive during the activities. Prizes were awarded for winning teams and, more importantly, each and every student had time to bond with their peers and form strong relationships that they will keep throughout their schooling career.


For some students, this was their first time going away on a school camp, which can be an anxiety-inducing situation. However, these students were treated with kindness and compassion by their peers, ensuring that they had a wonderful experience. Every student demonstrated outstanding teamwork and cooperation when faced with difficult weather conditions and changes to the planned activities. It was absolutely fantastic to see the cohort come together in such a harmonious way.

We are so proud of the Year 7 students for their participation, enthusiasm, and teamwork on this adventure. It was truly a wonderful learning experience that we will never forget. A special thank you must go to the teachers who volunteered their time to attend camp, as well as Mrs Ruth Charles for all her hard work in planning this camp.


Anna Wall

Year 7 Advisor