Student Wellbeing Update

Student Wellbeing Update
Mental Health in Primary Schools Update
At the end of last term, Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHIPS) paper surveys were sent home with children who are in Grade 2 and Grade 4. These surveys are pivotal in evaluating the effectiveness of the initiatives that we implement this year to support positive mental health in our students.
#NB: If you have already filled this survey out online, you do not need to do this again. If you have more than one child in these grades, you only need to fill out 1 survey.
Thank you for taking the time to fill these out and return them to school before the end of term. We are aiming for 60% return rate to ensure we have strong data to guide our future decision making.
Come in for a chat, a coffee (tea or milo) and we can fill in the survey together on Thursday 4th of April, in the staffroom from 9am. Alternatively, we can support you over the phone if you'd prefer.
Circle Solutions Update
Our school has implemented Circle Solutions in every classroom, everyday. Circle Solutions are having a positive impact on classroom culture and this initiative aims to build positive relationships between staff and students as well as between students too.
Be sure to ask your child about Circles and what we do during this time.
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline is Australia's only free, private, and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Counselling is currently offered by phone 1800 55 1800 , Webchat, and email.
Kids Helpline is a wonderful service for both children, adolescents and parents. There are a wealth of resources to support everyone who may need some extra support or advice.
We highly encourage you to visit their website and see what is on offer.