Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders  

Principal’s Welcome


Welcome to Term 2 2022.

You will have seen new structures in our school grounds upon returning. The bus shelters have been built and will provide the necessary shelter to our students during inclement weather. The bike shelter will be erected shortly. The Ninja Course starts construction on Monday 2 May. So many students looking forward to this addition to the playground. The second soccer goal is positioned on the oval. We are feeling really excited to see the completion of all these things.  

We welcomed new students (their families) and staff to ETRS this term. 

Inter-school sports will take place on consecutive Fridays this term. Stay tuned for details on ClassDojo and notes that will arrive home. 

This week has been a very busy yet social week for our community. School Tours and Celebratory opportunities filled the grounds. We have welcomed all visitors back to school and truly.


COVID Update

Face masks

From 11:59 pm Friday 22 April, face masks, while recommended, are not required in any school setting. This means students in grades 3 to 6, staff and visitors in primary schools are no longer required to wear face masks. Any student or staff member who wishes to wear a mask may do so, including those who are medically at-risk.


Screening requirements

Students and staff who have tested positive for COVID-19, and have completed their 7-day isolation period, now do not need to undertake rapid antigen test (RAT) screening for 12 weeks after their release from isolation. This was previously 8 weeks.


Household contacts

Students and staff who are household contacts of a COVID-19 case are no longer required to quarantine. They can return to school as long as they undertake rapid antigen tests (RAT) 5 times within their 7-day period and wear face masks indoors if they are aged 8 and above unless they have a valid exemption. 

Note: Please continue to notify the school of any positive results that arise.

If any household contact returns a positive RAT result during this period, they must isolate for 7 days and not attend school.

Vaccination requirements for visitors to schools

Parents, carers and other adult visitors (not performing work) are no longer required to show evidence of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine.



A reminder for parents/guardians to access SENTRAL (school management system) to notify and explain student absences, give permission for incursions/excursions and to gain valuable information regarding your child/rens education.


We are moving towards all permissions for events occurring through SENTRAL. If you don't have access to SENTRAL, please contact the school office for assistance.


ANZAC Day Ceremonies

Thank you to our School Leaders who participated in the ANZAC Day Ceremony last Monday. Laying a wreath on behalf of our school is a very welcomed and important role to play. To our families who supported our students to attend the Ceremony, we thank you.

The school community also organised and attended an ANZAC Day Ceremony at school upon our return Tuesday 26 April. We have included some photos of our students commemorating the day alongside our very distinguished guests in Mr Terry James (returned Sailor) and Mr Geoff Dixon (returned Soldier) and the Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School. 

Thank you to Narelle for organising these events.



School Wide Positive Behaviour Update

It has been fantastic to see so many students receiving our Wally stickers every week. Wally stickers are the cornerstone of our positive behaviour acknowledgement system. As students accumulate these stickers in tens, they can choose from a range of rewards. These stickers have been sponsored by the Moama Bowling Club.

Reminder: We are looking for a parent / carer that may wish to be a part of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Team. We meet on a Wednesday fortnightly at school at 3.30 pm. If you think this is something you might be interested in supporting, please contact Julie on 54107700. 


Foundation (Prep) 2023 Information Day / Evening 

Session 1 – Tuesday 24 May, 10 am School Tour

Session 2 – Tuesday 24 May, 5.30 pm School Tour followed by Information Evening at 6 pm. 


Mothers’ Day / Special Person Celebrations

Please come and celebrate with us as we provide a Mother’s Day / Special Person Breakfast on Friday 6 May from 7.30am. 

Mother’s Day / Special Person Stall will take place on Friday 6 May from 9.00 – 11.00.




The NAPLAN testing schedule has been finalised for Echuca Twin Rivers School. The NAPLAN tests will occur on the following dates for Grade 3 and 5 students.

May 10th – Writing Test 

May 11th – Reading Test 

May 13th – Conventions Test 

May 16th – Numeracy Test

Some catch up sessions will occur across the testing period in the event of student absence.




Respect, Inclusion, Resilience, Responsibility (Academic Excellence) 


Enjoy the weekend!


Julie Hommelhoff                  Matt Saunders

Acting Principal                     Assistant Principal