Kelly Club 

What have we been up to?

We have been loving our time outdoors. The rope swings and monkey bars are always very popular with some very impressive skills on display. We have been playing games of tiggy, duck duck goose and soccer as well as lots of Pokemon battles.


This week is our healthy eating week, we have been talking about different fruits and vegetables we eat in Kelly Club and why we should have lots of fruit and vegetables in our diet. The children made some fruit faces as part of their afternoon tea activity/snack.  


We had a great excursion on Friday and attended the Family Picnic at the secondary school. It was great to walk over to the big kids, play with our friends and listen to all of the acts that were playing.  The sausages were a great treat!


With the end of term coming up our focus will be kids choice week, this involves lots of child led activities, with the kids giving suggestions on what they want to do/ foods they want to eat. It is always a lot of fun and a great way to end the term.

Kinder Corner

The children seemed to enjoy the art and craft experiences. Children use their fine motor skills by using the scissors to cut the paper and hold the marker. The past two weeks our focus is to highlight the importance of healthy eating and how we can make healthy choices. Children have been participating in multiple discussions around healthy eating and always express their ideas and opinions.

Reminders/Upcoming Events

Holiday Program

We will be running our holiday program at Preshil 8th-12th of April.  If you are interested in enrolling your child/children or have any questions please see Hannah or Patricia for more information and enrolment forms.  Program forms are also available at Arlington reception.


Just a reminder about our 24 hour cancellation policy. If you have made a booking with us for your child we just require 24 hours written notice of cancellation.





The Kelly Club

The Kelly Club OSHC Program runs at Arlington Monday to Friday, following the end of the school day at 3.30pm.  You can find out more about Kelly Club here.


The Program is focused around sports, cooking, art and craft activities as well as structured ‘free-time’ after a busy day at school.   Activities are optional for students and incorporated into themed subjects each week that give children the opportunity to extend their learning outside of the school classroom. Children have opportunities to explore and discover through resources provided each day.


Enrolling in Kelly Club is easy,  to receive an enrolment form please call 9384 2204 or email