Assistant Principals' Report
Simon Jones
Assistant Principal
Years 10 - 12
We are approaching the end of what has been a very busy and successful school year. Congratulations to the vast majority of students who have successfully completed their studies in their current year as this is a reflection of your hard work and commitment to achieving your personal best. For those who may not have done as well as hoped, it is important to reflect on the reasons for this, to learn from mistakes made and to ensure that measures are put in place and enacted so that improvement and success can be achieved in future.
The examination period for Years 10, 11 and 12 students has finished and all students are again to be congratulated on their approach to these exams, which was exemplary. Our Year 12 VCE students have of course now completed their studies and are awaiting the release of the VCE results on the 12th December. Good luck to all students and I again remind Year 12’s and their parents that they are encouraged to visit our Pathways and Careers staff for advice and assistance should it be required, see the Pathways page in Newsletter. All students need to have a chosen post-school destination, whether that be University, TAFE, employment or taking a GAP year. Plans may change following the release of results and this is where our Pathways and Careers staff can be invaluable.
The Jumpstart program commenced on the 25th of November where all students begin their next year of study with their new teachers. This is a valuable program in transitioning students and helping them adapt to the expectations of their next stage of school. Attendance at Jumpstart is compulsory and any absences need to be reported in the usual way.
If students are not returning in 2020, it is important that the college is notified in advance and that processes are followed. Although the finishing line is now in sight, we are not quite there yet and I urge all students to continue to put their best foot forward and ensure that the year ends on a successful note.
Andrew Wynne Assistant Principal
Years 7-9
Term 4 is flying by and Dromana College continues to transform and develop. The college is again upgrading facilities with the new development of a sub-school area at the Harrisons Rd end of the college. This continues the transition to a modern college with outstanding teaching spaces. We are proud of our facilities, but the real strength of Dromana College lies in its people, the outstanding students and the dedicated staff that occupy these spaces.
The year 7 team recently met to create the form groups for next year's Year 7 cohort. This is a well thought out and demanding process that takes into account many factors, including friendship groups and feedback from primary schools. We look forward to welcoming another 15 classes of students to our college, and in the next few weeks important activities such as the Orientation Day will take place, ensuring that these new students have the smoothest transition to secondary education. These are very exciting times!
On November 25, Jumpstart began, and on that day, Year 7 became Year 8, Year 8 became Year 9 and for Year 9 it is the important transition from the junior school to the senior school. Students at first may find this unsettling as they have to adjust to new classmates, new teachers and unfamiliar areas of the school, but it allows for a very smooth start to 2020, with a focus on settling in and achieving their personal best.
The Year 9 transition is significant. As they progress into the senior school under the leadership of Simon Jones, the Assistant Principal in charge of senior students, and a new team of coordinators, they enter a new world where the focus is clearly on future pathways of VCE and VCAL and all that goes with these programs. Since Year 7 this cohort have been a wonderful group of students and I look forward to following their progress as they complete their senior years of schooling.
Good luck to all students on these transitions.
Stephanie Pearce
Assistant Principal
Learning and Teaching
It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of Term 4 already. The final term is a busy but exciting one as we farewell our Year 12 students in preparation for their final exams and support our Year 7-11 students as they prepare and transition into their new classes for 2020. We are proud to offer a range of new subjects next year, such as Global Health, Design for a Sustainable Future and Data Analytics to name a few. Dromana College is committed to providing an extensive teaching and learning program that allows all students to pursue their passions as well as explore new interests in supportive and challenging learning environments.
On Thursday 24th October, Mark Maddock (VCAL Co-ordinator) and I had the pleasure of attending the Frankston/Mornington Peninsula VCAL Awards at the Sandhurst Country Club. This night recognised the outstanding efforts and achievements of the VCAL students in our region, and highlighted the important role schools play in supporting all students attain their goals via a range of educational pathways. On behalf of the College community I would like to congratulate Chloe Hill and Ricky McLeod who received awards on the night for excellence and effort in their studies. They were both deserving winners and excellent advocates for VCAL at Dromana College.
Professional development of staff continues to be a significant part of our ongoing goal of improving student outcomes. Our most recent Curriculum Day encouraged staff to work in teams irrespective of teaching methods to look closely at the High Impact Teaching Strategies. Staff spent the afternoon looking specifically at how we can embed these research-based strategies across all learning areas to support students become more confident, reflective and critical thinkers. It was a productive day that engaged all staff in professional conversations about maximising learning for all students at Dromana College through a strong sense of collective efficacy.