Principal's Report

School Council

School Councils play a key role in Victorian government schools, and being a member of the school council is a rewarding and challenging experience. Acting as a team, council supports the Principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students.

Each councillor brings their own valuable life skills and knowledge to the role. Councillors participate in developing the broad direction and vision for the school, interpreting data or financial statements, and understanding legislative and policy requirements.

I am very pleased to announce that all Parent and DET vacancies have been filled.


I would like to introduce the School Council:

Parent Representatives:             

  • Sylvia Zuzek 
  • Jonathon McConchie
  • Margaret McNicol
  • Kate Lansbury
  • Lisa Commandeur
  • Kellie Smeath

DET Representatives:   

  • Pauline Barker
  • Glenn Jenner
  • Rose Thomson
  • Meegan Triance
  • Lisa Dunne

Community Representative:

  • Rick LeGassick

Student Representative:

  • Ty Thakur

At its first meeting, on Wednesday 18th March, School Council, has the opportunity to co-opt community members it believes has a particular skill set to enhance the composition of the School Council.


1 x Student Representative (2 years)

I would like to thank the outgoing members of School Council for their positive contribution to the life of the College.

  • Michelle Molinaro
  • Mark Roberts
  • Judith Walsh
  • Sharon Shaw

Relay for Life

Relay for Life – Congratulations to our wonderful students, parents and staff for participating in the Diamond Valley Relay for Life fundraiser over the weekend. Over $120,000 was raised for the Cancer Council by all of the teams.

Thank you to Heather Dear for her leadership of this event, which included more Team Greensborough College participants than last year.  The weather gods put on a stunner for the event. It was terrific to chat with parents and students and interact with our neighbouring Colleges, St Helena and Montmorency.  Our parents cannot speak highly enough of the staff, how passionate, committed and caring that they all are.

Thanks to the staff who joined in and to the parents who stayed through the night, Sam Harper, Andrea Finch, Alison Mitchell and Michelle Molinaro.

There was a great community vibe at the event and next year we will be participating again, so I encourage staff, students and parents to “save the date”. Donations can still be made for another four weeks.

Here’s the link:


Team Greensborough College

Abbi Harper, Emily Harper, Ashley Finch, Ebony Stuart, Jessica Williams, Hannah Fyfe, Ryan Melville, Isabelle Geraghty, Alex Mitchell, Paige Kindred, Elyssa Rees, Poppy McConchie, Jeremiah Semaan, Abhi Biju.

Heather Dear, Glenn Jenner, Stella Ramos, Anthony Ellul, Meegan Triance, Jackie McDonald, Cindi Carr, Di Zuell, Pauline Barker and Donna Osborne (early morning drop in!)


College Leaders’ Induction Ceremony

This event will be held on Wednesday 11th March at 6.00pm at the College. Our leaders will be inducted into their positions by The Honourable Colin Brooks, Member for Bundoora. I look forward to gathering with the students and their families for this special occasion.


Pauline Barker
