Principal's Report

Parent Teacher & Student Interviews

Yesterdays's interviews were a remarkable high point of the term for all of us.  We love talking to students and parents about the progress made in learning over the term, and the huge number of parents who came made it even more fun. Most teachers have lost their voices today.  The maximum number of interviews they could have was 54 and many were fully booked.  We have always had good numbers at these events, but yesterday was outstanding.  We are putting it down to it being much easier for parents to see interim reports on Compass, and then being able to go immediately to book in to interviews.  Many students were actually shocked that you'd booked in without them even knowing or having to help!


On your behalf I would like to thank teachers for the warm welcome they gave to parents, and the frank conversations that were had.  Thank you also to Assistant Principal, Mr Andrew Lewis for his organisation of this event, and for his ongoing leadership in moving us to Compass.  Please send him any thoughts on how else we could make this better.   If you weren't able to book in to see a particular teacher, please send them email with any specific questions you have on your child's progress

Council Election Outcome

Thank you for your continued interest in the governance of the College.  the outcome of the College Council election is as follows:


Elected Parent Representatives

Dr Joanne Challinor-Rogers

Mr Konrad Gill

Mr David Salomons

Ms Nicholetta Rigano


Elected DET Employee Representatives

Ms Catherine Ford

Ms Dina Mingos

Mr Shane Kruger


Dr Challinor Rogers has again been elected as President of Council, Mr Gill is Vice President and Mr Michael Cross continues as Treasurer.


A copy of the College's Annual Report is available if you would like one, and will be published on the website.

Can you offer a work placement in Hairdressing?

We are looking for a work placement in a hair dressing salon for three days a week for a Year 12 student.  Please email the College if you could help.

Happy 40th Birthday to Regency Park Primary School

I'm off to an Assembly at Regency Park Primary School this afternoon to give them a birthday present for their 40th birthday.  You can have a sneak peak in the photo below.  The art work contains the names of all the students from Regency currently at our school.  We really value the close ties we have with Regency and wish Ms Carolyn Drinkwater and all in the school the best for the years ahead.

Winter Uniform in Term 2

Students should be moving into Winter uniform, with girls in winter skirts and shorts or navy blue pants on the return to school.  All students should own a College jumper to wear under a jacket - the jacket is not warm enough on its own.  There is a two week period for the move into winter uniform.  The summer dress should not be worn after that time.


From all of us we wish you a safe and happy holiday break.  We will see all students back at school on Tuesday, 18 April.  


Sue Bell
