Principal's Report

Contact the office to book your table for the trivia night.
A Wakakirri Story Dance is a 3-7 minute performance by a group of students that theatrically tells a story using a combination of dancing, acting and creative movement to pre-recorded music. Schools can tell any story and use any combination of dance, creative movement, acting, music, props, costumes, sets, and in some cases; film, projections and singing. The possibilities are endless! Schools are also able to incorporate the annual signature item into their story for an extra challenge and every school’s story is filmed for Wakakirri TV as part of the search for ‘Story of the Year’.
Our students did a fantastic job at Wakakirri on Monday night. They performed 'If not now ... when? to a sold out crowd and their Environmental message was delivered with great emotion. Thank you to Amy Montin, Steph Davies and Amy Cheers for all of the hard work they put in this year.
Book Week
Next week is book week. We invite Special Friends along to join in the celebrations from 12pm on Thursday 22nd of August. There will be classroom activities, BBQ lunch and performances from our classes.
Free Fruit Friday
A huge thank you to Sally from the PFA and Knox City Council for their grant to support our Free Fruit Fridays. We often get donations and sponsorship to help out with providing Free Fruit and it is great when the community can support our school.
Have a great week everyone.