Principal's Report

Principal - Brea Terris 

Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers 

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe that we are nearly into March and half way through the term. Term One is going quickly and the students are engaged in their learning. This week we sent home Department Newsletters. These will be sent home each term and share information about the learning focuses for the term. These have also been uploaded onto the school website. We hope you enjoyed reading the newsletter.  

Foundation 2021 Evening 

On Monday the 16th March at 6.30pm we are hosting an Information Evening for prospective families and Foundation students in 2021. If you know any families interested in enrolling at ETRS please encourage them to attend. There will be child minding available on the evening. 


We have noticed before and after school that Wilkinson Drive is getting busier and busier. There are many students that are taking risks when crossing the road. If parents are dropping children off we encourage you to walk them across the road to ensure their safety. With the noise and busy traffic, students are hesitating and this could end up in an accident.


We also have a number of students riding their bikes/scooters with out a helmet and taking risks at the roundabouts. Please have a chat with your child about ensuring their safety. 

Smoking Ceremony 

Thank you to Uncle Rick and Paul who organised a Smoking Ceremony for us last Friday. A Smoking Ceremony is an ancient aboriginal custom in Australia that involves burning various native plants to produce smoke, which has cleansing properties and the ability to ward off bad spirits from the people and the land and make a pathway for a brighter future. The photos from the ceremony are in a gallery at the beginning of the newsletter. 

ETRS Video 

If you haven't had a chance to view the new video on our school Facebook page and website, please  have a look. It showcases the great learning and facilities we have at Twin Rivers.


Paul Marshall, the Principal at ESS and I were interviewed by the Riverine Herald yesterday about the Co-Location. This story has just been shared to our Facebook page. 

Visits to ETRS 

Last week we hosted visitors from Lancefield Primary School who came to see our School Wide Positive Behaviour framework (SWPB). They were very impressed with the work that we are doing and are looking forward to visiting again and sharing our SWPB plans. 

School Review 

This year we are undertaking our School Review. This is fantastic timing for ETRS, after the merge of EWPS and ESPS, we can form our strategic direction for the next four years.


The Review will take place in Term 4 and we look forward to working with the community leading up to the review.


Next Tuesday I have been asked to be a Challenge Partner on the Lancefield Primary School Review. This is a great opportunity to see how other schools operate and also increase my learning in the lead up to the reviews. 

Meet and Greet Parent Teacher Conversations 

Thank you to all the families who attended the Meet and Greet Parent Teacher conversations on Tuesday.


The teaching staff were very excited to meet with parents/carers to talk about your child.

It was a great opportunity for parents/ carers and

teachers to get to know each other and share important information to support

your child/ren.


At ETRS teachers always aim to inform parents of concerns as soon as possible, explain strategies that have been used to address any problems and strategies that may be used in the future. Teachers can also assist you with ways you can help your child at home that will reinforce any learning (academically and or social/emotional) that is going on in the classroom. Good

communication creates a mutually supportive, understanding, and trusting

team around your child.


We have had great feedback from families in relation to the amended structure for the Meet and Greet conversations. 

School Council Elections

We are seeking nominations for School Council in 2020. The nominations close on Monday 2nd March at 4pm. 


If you would like to contribute to the school by being a part of the council please complerte the nomination form which is being sent home to all families this evening. 


Our AGM for 2020 will be held at 6:00pm on Monday 23rd March, everyone is invited to attend.


School Council meetings will be held on a Monday this year. 

School Wide Positive Behaviour Update

Be sure to check out our videos that star our students demonstrating the expected behaviour of the week. We will be uploading these videos to our website and Facebook page. Or alternatively, you can see them on the big screen in the library each week at assembly. 

We will be having our first SWPB meeting on Tuesday in the Conference Room at 3:30. Thank you to Keeley Joyce for volunteering to join us as a parent representative. We are also looking for Indigenous representation on our team. If you are interested, please contact the office or see Anthea Mathers, our Assistant Principal. 

Next Week's Behaviour  Focus

Our Value focus next week is Inclusion.  


The SWPB behaviour focus is:

I will show inclusion by being kind to others.

Save the Date 

The PAG are currently in the midst of organising a Twilight Colour Run. This is our major fundraiser for the school year. We are raising money to purchase books for the classroom libraries.


We are hoping all families can join us on Thursday 12th March from 5.30pm. There will be a free sausage sizzle and lots of fun as members of the community join in the fun run. This event is open to members of the community and will be a great night. 



Have a nice weekend.


Brea Terris 
