Kinder onsite

What is happening at kinder

At kinder we have been mostly following  the same program as we have been sending  for the children at home, as well as planning for spontaneous interests that arise during the session as per usual. Children this week have been making papier mache planet Earths for Earth Day and enjoying the story of 'Stickman' through the book, the animation and making their own stick people.

The changing colours of Autumn are inspiring us as we collect leaves to create all manner of arts experiences which we will continue to explore over the coming weeks with some children picking some produce to take home to their families. The vegetable gardens are growing magnificently however some children noticed that some cheeky animals have been eating our strawberries!. This prompted them to decide that we should we make our own scarecrows "with angry eyes to scare those birds away!" 

As children are now meeting new friends who are in different groups, they are having the opportunity to learn from each other, about different personalities,  play styles and  perspectives on the world. These are opportunities to learn how to adapt their play to include different perspectives from their own and how to enter play with new people. Whether there are 22 children in a class or 6, the social learning of children in early childhood never stops!