Kinder term two

Term two begins

Well things have certainly changed since our last newsletter haven't they! We have all had to adapt to change very quickly across the whole community and it is impacting on our lives in every way imaginable. We sincerely thank you for bearing with us as we adapt to meet this challenge. 

This term we are continuing to be open for those families that would like to continue to attend kindergarten onsite as well as providing a kinder at home program for those families who want to access kinder this way. Staffing arrangements and groupings of children have changed to meet the needs of the lower numbers of children attending. If over the coming weeks you decide to begin sending your child to kinder onsite please let us know as we will continue to monitor attendance and make adjustments as necessary to ensure physical distancing and cleaning arrangements are appropriate for the numbers of children attending. 

Free flu immunisations for children under five

Here is a link to the Victorian government information about free flu vaccinations for children under five years of age. All Victorians are being encouraged to be vaccinated this year to protect the community.


Hearing screenings from MonashLink unfortunately have had to be cancelled for this term. At this stage we are unsure whether they will be able to rescedule them for term three. If you have concerns about your child's hearing in the meantime you are able to self-refer to MonashLink's audiology service in Oakleigh. Here is the phone contact: 1300 552 509