Junior School Report

Message from the Director of Learning


- Ms. Alice Paget


Congratulations to all the staff and students for all your hard work this term! The Year 7s are starting to show great understanding and confidence in daily structure and expectations at the College. Well done!


It has been a busy start to Term 2. Weekly Sport is well underway, with students competing in Badminton, Netball and Soccer. The Peer Support program has continued with the Year 10s running regular session with our Year 7 students. Most recently, the session discussed all aspects of hygiene moving into adolescence. Later in the term, all Year 7 students will also take part in a self-care and hygiene workshop with our School Nurse, Christalia.


The Junior School is continuing their iRead program, whereby all students are taking the first 15 minutes of Period 1 or 2 to read a book of their choice. The aim of the iRead program is for students to build a passion for reading. There are many potential benefits, including improving vocabulary and language skills, increased focus and concentration levels, the building of knowledge, as well as it being a calm and relaxing way to begin the school day. Students can utilise the school library before school, at recess, lunch or after school to find a book or reading material that reflects their passions and interests. Sue Stenning, our school Librarian, is available to assists students in choosing a book. The Community Hub Library has an extensive range of reading material and is also a great place to borrow a book. It would be great if parents and guardians could have a discussion with their child about what they are reading.


Westall Way Awards:

The Westall Way are a set of learning behaviours that bring together the College values that students endeavour to demonstrate in College life. We have a reward system (Westall Points) around these behaviours where students are awarded points for demonstrating these behaviours on an ongoing basis.


Well done to the following Year 7 and 8 students who have already received 25 points this year and have been recognised with the Bronze Award:

  • Amirah Dwi Zahra
  • Jorden Khauv
  • Zoi Spiliopoulou
  • Shubham Khanal
  • Ethan Boldiz
  • Kim Leng Ear
  • Laura Shao

Students can continue to work their way up the Westall Wall of Achievement. Keep up the great work in striving for your Personal Best!


Picture: Amirah Dwi Zahra receiving her Westall Way Bronze Award. Our first Year 7 student to receive the award.

Screen time:

Healthy Habits

As we move into the 21st century, some adolescents are becoming increasingly reliant on technology, and ‘screen time’ is increasing. It is important to set up healthy habits for screen time while students are young, as they will be much more likely to transfer these habits into their adulthood, and navigate the digital world in a more mindful and productive way.


Tips for ‘Healthy habits of screen time’

  • Set some individual boundaries and goals: Such as a daily screen-time limit and ‘no screen-time zones’ (eg: during family time or before bed).
  • Make a priority list of what needs to be done before screen time: such as homework, cleaning, preparing for school, and family time.
  • Change some of your screen time to ‘educational’: Find a balance with your screen time, part can be educational (games or programs) and part can be for individual enjoyment.
  • Replace screen time with other enjoyable activities. Drawing, reading, playing games, outdoor activities, or socialising with friends.

Junior School Sporting Achievements

Volleyball Victoria State Team (Under 15):

Jacob Papatua has made the squad for the Under 15s State Volleyball Team! Well done Jacob!


Westall SC Cross Country

Well done to all Year 7 and 8 students who completed the Cross Country event on Wednesday 26th March. The students ran a 3km track around Westall Secondary College and participated in house Competitions throughout the afternoon. The students below excelled in their race, finishing in the top 3 for their age group. Well done to all the students who participated and good luck to those who are participating in the Kingston Cross Country on the 22nd May.


Year 7 Girls

Year 7 Boys

1st: Ciara Ristevski1st: Mark Li
2nd: Kaitlyn Tran2nd: Edson Tuaine
3rd: Annie Ye3rd:  Darren Pham

Year 8 Girls

Year 8 Boys

1st: Zahra Mahna1st: Kanishak Singh
2nd: Milky Edo2nd: Junior George
3rd: Shajida Shajida3rd: Surush Hamrah

Junior School Volleyball

Both our Year 7 and 8 Girls Volleyball team have progressed to the State finals, after winning the Grand Final at the SMR Volleyball. Congratulations to all the girls involved and good luck in the State Finals later in the year!