Engagement and Wellbeing

Families with Preps in 2020 with additional needs

Families who have new prep students coming to school in 2020 and have been identified as having additional needs (e.g. Speech therapy, paediatric investigation, Autism, significant medical condition, etc) are encouraged to make time to talk to Scott to discuss this.


Scott will be able to help those families in understanding the Department of Education’s support framework and provide information on how our school can support the transition into Prep for your child. To arrange a meeting with Scott, please call the office to book a time.

Flag Poles being installed at Front of School

If you have been out the front of the school lately, you will notice that we are installing 3 new flag poles near our Gallipoli tree. The flag poles will show the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags and have been supported by our Koorie Kids’ Program. We can’t wait for them to go up and showcase the rich history of Australia and the pride we have in our community for all cultures.

Grandparents and Special Friends’ Morning

Next term we have our Grandparents and Special Friends’ Morning where we will be inviting many special guests into the school to experience the classrooms of their children. A morning tea will be provided by our lovely PLP group and the school. As always, this is a great opportunity to take part in the learning journey with your children and we encourage as many families to come along. The date coincides with the Ballarat Show Day public holiday, so families with relatives from afar can enjoy the whole weekend with their loved ones.


  • When: Thursday the 7th of November,  2019
  • Time: 9am - 11am
  • Morning tea: from 10:45am to 11:30am.
  • Where: Your child’s classroom (We will have special helpers on the morning guiding guests to the appropriate rooms).  Morning tea will be held in the Grade 6 end of the BER Building.

PLP Meeting Upcoming

A reminder to all of our wonderful PLPs that there is a meeting scheduled for next Friday the 6th of September at 2:30 pm in the staff room. If you are unable to make it, we ask that you attempt to send along another representative for your class.  

Hours of Supervision Reminder

Another friendly reminder to our families that hours of supervision are between 8:45 am and 3:45 pm each day.


If you require additional supervision outside of these hours, please contact Mel in the office (03) 5341 3560 to discuss our Outside of School Hours program Base1270 for before and after school care.

Planning our Strategic Team Structures

At last night’s school council meeting it was suggested that we could inform the community of our strategic team structures that are in place to work on school improvement initiatives.


Our strategic teams are teams made up of a cross-section of teachers from around the school from both campuses and work each fortnight on key improvement strategy (in line with our Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan). At our school, we have three strategic teams, those being:

Data - Led by Aaron Coulter and Paul Wilson (+8 other staff)

This team primarily focusses on the collection and analysis of student learning data across the school.

A current project looking into spelling assessments to assist tracking of student progress and planning for explicit teaching in the classroom. They have also been looking into assessments for our speaking and listening program.

Pedagogy - Led by Nicole Phillips (Literacy) and Daniel Spalding (Numeracy) (+8 other staff)

This team primarily focusses on our models of teaching and learning.

Their current project focusses on our Instructional Model with particular emphasis on developing strategies to develop explicit teaching opportunities with students.

Engagement and Wellbeing - Led by Scott McGlynn (+8 other staff)

This team primarily focusses on issues concerning the attendance, welfare and wellbeing of students and staff.

Current projects include developing the School Wide Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix, implementing the Zones of Regulation, modifying our yard duty areas and reviewing behaviour management response.

Any of the leaders in these areas will be able to respond to any questions about whole-school initiatives that parents and carers may have or you have a concern relating to your child, it is recommended that you raise this in the following manner:

 Arrange a time to meet with your classroom teacher and discuss.

 If you are still concerned about this, arrange a time to meet with  your child’s year level coordinator (listed below).

 Then, if there are still issues, please organise a meeting to speak  with an assistant principal or principal.

Year Level and Area Coordinators:

Prep: Nicole Phillips

Year 1: Roz Schomburgk

Year 2: Dani Eddy

Year 3: Ness Scoleri

Year 4: Mark Muldoon

Year 5: Daniel Spalding

Year 6: Jarrod Morgan

Parenting Skills