AGM - Upcoming

AGM - Upcoming
The Victorian Association of Philosophy in Schools will hold its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 25th March wholly online. The Zoom link is below. Alternatively, the details are:
Meeting ID: 811 1929 2195 Password: 701733
VAPS encourages members to attend and check in on the successes of VAPS over the last year and its direction going forward. All current members of any type (individual, student, institutional) are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Immediately after the AGM there will be a general committee meeting, which is for committee members only. If any VAPS members want to have greater input into philosophy in schools throughout Victoria, they are welcome to join the committee, please see more at the Get Involved page of our website. We are a not-for-profit charity and anyone available to give their time to help further the reach of philosophy in schools is always needed and welcome.
At the AGM, there will be opportunity for VAPS to nominate an Executive Committee, as well as other officers to support VAPS. You may like to think about putting yourself forward for one or more of these roles on the night:
Executive Committee - Roles
- Chair of the Association
- Deputy Chair of the Association
- Secretary of the Association
- Treasurer of the Association
You may also put forward your interest at assist with any VAPS work (such as VCE events, PIPS events, Professional Learning, IT & Website management).
All enquires can be directed to the committee email below: