Environmental Council

Over the year, the Environmental Council has undertaken a Regeneration Project with the aim of transforming the College boundary and adjacent creek into a native plant area where native wildlife could thrive.


During this past month, the Environmental Council has been busy recycling plastic bottles and containers and repurposing them as bird feeders. These have been placed around the grounds to encourage more native birds to reside in the area. Another aspect of this project has been the College's nursery with the focus on cultivating seedlings to plant around the College's grounds.


The Environmental Council would like to thank Rachel Smith and Belinda Milgate for donating plants and native seeds to go towards the College. nursery The Environmental Council would also like to thank guest speaker Penne Fraser from Landcare for providing talking to the students and providing resources and support and encouraging members to get involved within the wider community. 


Over the next month, the Environmental Council plans on celebrating Tree Day on Friday 11 September in Week 8 with the planting of native shrubs around the College grounds. The bird feeders and nursery focus of the regeneration project will continue over the next few weeks of Term 3 with plans to introduce a worm farm to practice sustainability within the College. The next stage of the regeneration project for next year is a seed collecting day at the Moore Creek Caves National Park for students to get more involved with the College community and the environment. 


For those who want to make a difference to the environment, come and join the Environmental Council, by contributing you can have a direct impact on the College's environment and a door of opportunities will be open to you. 


Mr Shaun Nichols - Environmental Council Coordinator