
                                                                  Mrs Francis Scuderi

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the last term of the year. It will be a busy term and once again this year, not what we normally experience. As you know, the Year 7 students will be returning onsite from Monday 12 October. I do hope they are as excited as their teachers. It will be wonderful to have them back. We will then eagerly await the return of the Year 8 and Year 9 students.

Assembly Message

My message at Assembly this week was ‘Be Better’. As explained to the students, this is not about being better than others, but rather being better than they were yesterday. I used the quote below along with a movie clip starring the late Kobe Bryant.


Students were told that there are many ways to ‘be better.’ Working harder, joining clubs or extra-curricular activities, helping others, working on organisation, facing obstacles and overcoming them. Even if that requires assistance and perseverance, failure means you are learning resilience. It is important that the students know that every day presents an opportunity to do better and that their only competition is who they were or what they did yesterday. A lesson for all of us, really.

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health day is on Saturday 10 October. A reminder that we need to be taking care of ourselves and those around us. Lots of information about mental health can be found online. You can also go to https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-mental-health-day/world-mental-health-day-2020 

Return of Year 7 Students

With the return of Year 7 students on Monday 12 October, listed below are some reminders for parents and students. 

  1. Assemblies and Chapels will still be held via Zoom. Parents are invited to join us at any time for these.
  2. Students should now be in summer uniform. As is common practice at the College, for the first two weeks of term, if there are days that are very cold, students can wear the correct full winter uniform. This year, I understand that there may be issues with having the correct uniform, etc. If this is the case with your child, please write a note excusing them from proper summer uniform. This, of course, will mean that they should be in correct winter uniform or correct PE uniform.
  3. The parka is not to be worn in Term 4, unless the weather is very wet and windy.
  4. Students should bring their own water bottles as the drinking taps will be out of use. Water bottles can be refilled at school.
  5. The canteen will be operational from Monday 12 October for online orders only.  There is a reduced menu which can be viewed at https://www.flexischools.com.au/
  6. Students will need to have a face mask, while at school. They will be able to remove the mask while eating or playing sport games. At all other times, the mask should be on.
  7. If your child is unwell please let Dunhelen Administration know so that it can be recorded on the roll. Students must not be at school if they are feeling unwell.
  8. Once again, we will be requiring students to sanitise and wash their hands, using soap, quite often. Please speak to your child about the importance of doing this.

The staff and I look forward to welcoming back all our students and are preparing for a busy and exciting term.