Banksia House

Finally we have come back to life this Term and we could not be happier! Seeing smiles on everyone's faces, hearing general ‘kid noise’ as we walk around the House and listening to the sighs of relief when we ask staff and students whether they are happy to be back at school, reminds us how important School is and how much we have missed each other.
We are so happy to be back together this term and it is clear in our attendance and as we walk into each classroom that everyone is working hard to ‘get better’, drawing on our shared and individual experiences to be successful now and into the future.
While many students have shared they wish 2020 was cancelled, others have shared in group reflections and conversations with our Student Engagement Coordinators, the incredible learnings they have had and the skills they have developed. Students have reflected how much they are looking forward to for the remainder of the term:
- Seeing friends
- Being able to retain information
- Learning face to face
- Talking about their future
- Getting support from teachers
- Being motivated to learn and work
Many students have also shared they would like to:
- Meditate more
- Do more exercise
- Take on one thing at a time
- Have hobbies
- Look after themselves an focus on their health
- Believe more in themselves
- Not stress about the small things and focus on what they can control
Even though this year has been incredibly challenging, our School Values as demonstrated above, are once again shining through, particularly those of resilience, perseverance and excellence.
Our Year 12 students have continued to persevere and are demonstrating for our younger students what it means to be determined. As they face the ‘pointy end’, despite individual challenges, these students continue to rise to the occasion and strive to achieve their best. While we know this year is not the year they wanted or could have possibly imagined, it is with grit and strength that they come to school and we could not be prouder of them.
Our Year 7 students have returned full of energy and enthusiasm and it is wonderful to see them, so happy to be back. What a first year of high school they have had! Yet, their attendance remains outstanding and each has grown in ways we and they could not have imagined.
Our teachers are working collaboratively to ensure each student will transition into the next year of learning with the skills required to be successful. We are using learning data to inform what we do for each student in the classroom. Teachers are working closely with our Assistant House Leader and Learning Specialist to come up with ways to challenge and extend students and to support those in need of individual attention. This work is critical now more than ever and we are committed to making sure every student grows in learning and life.
I would like to thank, once again, our families for their incredible and continuous support and for their constant engagement. It is through challenge that we grow and 2020 has certainly presented us with many challenges. It is clear that together we can achieve anything and it is the challenges that have bought us closer together. I look forward to the remaining weeks and sharing with you the achievements of our community.
Well done, everyone.
Kelly Krieg
Banksia House Leader