From the Principal

Although we are nearing the end of Term 4, energy remains high and all Year Levels are incredibly focused and engaged in their learning. Students and teachers have continued to be enthusiastic in their return to onsite learning.
This week marks the end of external VCE exams with many students and their families breathing a sigh of relief. Year 10 and 11 students are also currently completing their assessments and will begin their Smart Start Program in preparation for 2021 on Friday 4th December. All students should be congratulated for the positive way they approached their preparation and committed to the challenge.
End of Semester reports will be published to all families on Wednesday 16th December and will provide detailed information to parents regarding their students’ progress. If families do have questions regarding their child’s learning I encourage them to contact their House Leadership team before the end of the year.
Our students continue to excel and the school is now well underway in our preparations for recognising student success at our virtual Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 15th December. Although the occasion will look very different to previous years, it will be a true celebration and I would encourage you to watch the live-steamed event. Details will be provided to families in the coming week. A pre-ceremony will also be taking place in the Melaleuca Theatre for staff and students on Friday 11th December where we will present House and Special Category awards.
We will be holding our Year 12 Graduation Picnic on Wednesday 2nd of December and all staff and school leadership are looking forward to the event. This is an opportunity for us as a school community to honour the class of 2020 and celebrate their contribution to our community. This has been a year like no other and all our Year 12 students have been courageous and adaptive. Completing your final year of schooling during a pandemic is an incredible achievement.
We are also thrilled to host Grade 6 students on site next week in a streamlined Orientation Day. This will enable our 2021 Year 7 students to meet their House groups for the first time and be introduced to their new school.
What an exciting time to be the Principal of Dandenong High School. I am so proud of our community.
Susan Ogden