
Important Dates
Monday 19th October - Tuesday 27th October
Year 12 practice exams
Friday 23rd October
Grand Final public holiday
Monday 2nd November
Year 12 study day
Tuesday 3rd November
Melbourne Cup public holiday
Friday 6th November
Year 12 final day - assembly and celebration
Monday 9th November - Wednesday 2nd December
VCE written exam period
Tuesday 17th November
School Council meeting
Wednesday 2nd December
Year 12 Graduation Picnic
Tuesday 8th December
Year 7 2021 Orientation Day
Student-Free Day
No classes for Year 7-11 students
Current DHS students are advised to catch up on outstanding work in their own time today
Friday 11th December
Last day for Year 10, 11 and Intermediate VCAL students
Friday 11th December
House and Special Category Awards
Monday 14th December
VCE results released
Tuesday 15th December
Awards Ceremony
Wednesday 16th December
Last day for Year 7-9 students
Wednesday 16th December
End of Semester Reports
Friday 18th December
End of Term 4
Saturday 19th December - Thursday 28th January
Summer holidays
Friday 29th January
Start of Term 1 2021