Wellbeing and Engagement Collection 2020 (WEC)
Over the last two weeks our students in year 4-7 have completed the online Wellbeing and Engagement Collection 2020 (WEC). This is a survey that collects information from students in years 4 to 12 across government schools about non-academic factors relevant to learning and participation. The survey gives schools, the community and government an insight into what needs to occur to ensure students experience success and are provided with resources and opportunities to reach their full potential. More information is available at www.education.sa.gov.au (search:wec)
What is the survey about?
The survey asks students about their social and emotional wellbeing; school relationships and engagement and learning in school; and physical health and wellbeing and after school activities. Students’ answers will be kept confidential – no one (including school staff) will use the results to identify individual students.
Purpose of the collection
Young people’s sense of wellbeing is an important part of how they learn at school. The purpose of the survey is to seek students’ views about their wellbeing and their engagement with school. Students in year levels 4 to 12 across the State will were invited to participate in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection. The information collected will help the education system and broader community to support young people’s health and wellbeing.
Spreading Kindness
You may be surprised to learn that up to 40 per cent of people in aged care in Australia do not have visitors. In past years several classes from our school, have visited our local aged care facility, to meet up and chat, share stories and enjoy special afternoon tea treats together. This has not been the case this year and we fear that with current restrictions in place due to the pandemic, feelings of isolation and loneliness and depression may be even greater for the residents living in aged care.
Now here is a great opportunity for the kids at WBPS to step in and help brighten someone’s day! Over the holidays, your challenge is to compose a handwritten letter to send to an older person who lives at the West Beach Residential Care on Burbridge Road in West Beach, just up the road from our school. We’re sure you’ll agree that this is a lovely way to spread kindness and give your time to someone who may be finding things challenging.
Some points to consider:
· Address your letter generally by saying Dear friend, neighbour, Madam or Sir.
· Write a little bit about yourself and your hobbies – older people are interested to know what you get up to for fun.
· Share about the things you enjoy doing at school – the person who is reading your letter may be curious to learn what is different from their time at school.
· Keep in mind that your letter will be read by an older person – it should sound slightly different to the way that you chat with your friends.
· Remember to write in a friendly and respectful way – good manners will be appreciated.
· Put your first name at the end of the letter, but don’t include private details like your home address.
· Politely ask an adult to read over the letter before you hand it in. You could even write the letter as a family, or ask a family member to help you think about what you could include.
· Write a letter of any length! You may like to add illustrations or other features such as a poem, fun fact or joke
We will deliver the letters to West Beach Residential Care in early Term 4, just before our Book Week Parade. Please drop your letters into the Front Office by Friday 16th October in Week 1. There is no need to use an envelope as we will check the letters to ensure privacy before we pass them one.
The best part about this writing challenge is that is spreads kindness – something we’re proud to do at WBPS. Thank you for the part you’ll play in connecting with people who need it the most.
Thank you.
Tina Mouzakitis and West Beach Primary School Leaders