From the Principal
Term 3 Week 10 Kevin Kennedy
Dear Families,
Sports Day and SAPSASA Football.
Congratulations to Wirrkuta (Quick) for winning last Fridays Sports Day. It was the perfect day (we did miss the family support) and the students performed admirably, demonstrating wonderful sportsmanship throughout the day. Our house captains demonstrated leadership skills beyond their years. They motivated, supported and encouraged all the students to do their best. Well done to the captains of the following teams; Mukanthi (To Play) Chelsea and Riley, Padminthi (Jump) Max and Connor, Yakanthi (Run) Josh and Jemma and the winning team Wirrkuta (Quick) Cooper and Kohta.
Well done to Mr Reid and the SAPSASA football team. Winning the grand final in a knockout competition isn’t easy and the boys should be very proud of themselves, the memories will last a life time. Mr Reid spoke highly of how the boys played and took time to mention their fantastic sportsmanship and the spirit in which the team played. The team was well supported with many families providing transport during the tournament and attending the games. We are grateful of their support. A full match report is available in the Mr Reid’s sports report.
The lift installation is coming along and the completion date is still due before school starts in 2021. You may have noticed that our swimming pool is empty. It is need of significant repair and plans about the future of the pool are currently being discussed by the schools governing council.
Parent Feedback
To help us give your child the very best education, we’re asking for honest feedback from parents and guardians on a few key topics. These include how we, as a school, communicate with you and how we respond to your input about your child’s learning.
Your feedback will help us understand the things we’re doing well, where we can improve, and what’s really important to you as a parent.
The survey closes Friday 25 September and will take no more than 10 minutes. It’s confidential and you can complete it here:
Thank you. We know your time is valuable and we appreciate it.
Happy Holidays
Have a happy and safe term three break, drive safely and we will see you next term.
Any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school.
Kind regards,
Kevin Kennedy