PreCAL Pathways Workshop:
A Pathways Beyond Schools Workshop was delivered to the PRECAL students, at the Norm Clyne Trade Centre at Keilor Downs College. on October the 14th. Fred Inguanez, a Vocational Instructor, provided students with an opportunity to engage in hands on industry type learning.
The workshop provided our students with skills to:
- Explore pathways beyond school
- Prepare for vocational education with hands on learning
- Remain focused to complete a set task
- Connect with their peers
- Work collaboratively in any environment
Students were engaged in activities relating to the pathways of Building & Construction, Hair and Beauty, Hospitality and Gardening and worked collaboratively to make the day a success. Their achievements were celebrated with a BBQ lunch.
On hand to assist were Mrs Milano, Mr. Portelli,
Ms Napoli and various Year 12 VCAL students.
Congratulations to all the students who participated.
Ms Napoli
(PRECAL Program Coordinator)