Student News

Beacon Breakfast

On Friday 15th March the Beacon Leaders attended the annual Beacon Breakfast at Radcliffe’s Restaurant, Echuca.  All the Beacon leaders from the five schools did a fantastic job of hosting their first event for 2019.  The Leaders all completed their part in a very professional and warm manner.  Well done to those students who greeted the local  business people upon arrival, assisted at the registration table, ushered, spoke and assisted in running the quiz and raffle.   


Past Beacon Leaders spoke at the breakfast about the Beacon program and what it has meant to them to have the opportunity to develop their leadership, public speaking skills and their dreams for the future.   Thank you Annabel Lee for getting up nice and early and speaking on behalf of last year’s St. Joseph’s College  Beacon Leaders. 


Barook Field and Game shoot

Izzy Keirl attended the Barook Field and Game kids shoot on Monday 18th March. We are pleased to report that she won the ‘Girls High Gun’ - meaning she hit the most targets out of all the girls. It is exciting to see just how well this young lady is doing with her shooting. St Joseph’s College congratulates Izzy on her effort.  We would also like to thank her father, Ricky, who accompanied her during this event.