Education in Faith

   You are Called

From Little things BIG things indeed do grow. Let's pray that HOPE, LOVE and JOY are the new pandemic!

Feast of the Assumption

Saturday, August 15th we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady.  The church remembers the day as Mary was taken from this life by her natural death and assumed body and soul into heaven. It is a holy day of obligation. This event of the assumption is a source of great hope for us as we strive to be faithful like Mary and gain the grace of eternal life.



Holy Mary, on this day, we honour your life as the chosen Mother of Jesus. 

We remember your dedication to God and the joy and heartache you had in your life as you followed God’s plan for you. 

We pray for the love you had for God, the hope you had in Jesus, and the joy you found in your heart. 

Pray for us as we grow in love, hope and joy.



Streaming Live Week day Masses on 

Tuesday and Friday @ 5:00 PM

Sunday Mass- 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year (A)


20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

"Woman, your faith is great.”

Something to Think About

The woman in this week’s story from Matthew’s gospel is a stranger and a foreigner and the last person one would expect to seek out Jesus. She displays great faith, more faith, in fact, than the disciples ever show! It is her faith that saves her and heals her daughter. 

Jesus talks to the woman from a different country and, despite their differences, he eventually helps her because of her faith. 

Who, in your life, would you consider a foreigner or a stranger? 

Maybe a person you have not met yet or a person you have judged to be 'different'.


Family Discussion 

Prayer:  As a family, say this prayer together at bedtime this week.


Talk together about what you found surprising about what Jesus does and says in today’s story. 

Has someone ever ignored you as Jesus did to the woman when she called him the first time? 

Talk about how you felt. 

Why didn’t the woman give up? 

Why did she continue calling Jesus to help her daughter? 

Talk about how Jesus is always ready to answer the prayers of anyone who has strong faith in God.

Rozeta Ambrose  -