JMSS Noticeboard

JMSS Noticeboard

To students,

Don't forget to check the JMSS noticeboard for all updates and dates on JMSS events, parliament and clubs.

There are a lot of house activities, trivia days, dress ups, groups and competitions etc.. hapenning at the moment. So stay up to speed via the noticeboard!



HOUSE COMPETITION -- Recycled Plastic Art from Plastic Oceans

In the spirit of the upcoming science and humanities weeks, the JMSS Plastic Oceans Team is introducing a new House Competition -- Recycled Plastic Art Comp. Your mission is to make a cool artwork out of plastics that you would usually throw out (milk cartons, plastic bags, takeaway containers, etc). It doesn’t need to be an elaborate piece -- you can arrange bottle caps in the shape of a smiley face if you want -- as you get house points JUST FOR PARTICIPATING. Simply submit a photo of your work in this google form(it was also emailed to you) and help your house win the coveted House Cup. Submissions are open until 13th Sept. Can’t wait to see all of your work:)

Closing date: 13th Sept

Plastic Oceans Team


FIRST Tech Challenge

My name is Zac Sinclair, and I participate in a program called FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), FTC is a worldwide robotics competition where you and a team of up to 14 other students compete in a 2v2 format to complete a series of challenges on a 12x12 foot field.

My team, Team Dangerous Minds, is currently the only team in Victoria and the reigning champions in New South Wales. In our rookie season last year, we began to do outreach to get more teams started in Victoria, with corporate and industry sponsorship, we have hosted workshops for students interested and continue to do so whilst in quarantine.

FIRST Australia, the governing body of the three levels of FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) competition in Australia, recently reached out to Dangerous Minds asking us to present to a group of high school students from China.

Dangerous Minds has presented at other events too, such as the Australian Grand Prix and ENGage ENGineer, which was a program run at Monash University earlier this year.

Currently there is a proposed FTC team at JMSS, and if it goes through, we will be looking for team members to compete for JMSS.