Our Community 

Maintaining Connections

Be there for each other: Welcome to our current edition of Our Community page, with tips aimed to help you and your family navigate some areas of your life disrupted in the COVID -19 (Coronavirus) time. Remember We’re all in this together’. 


It’s not over yet!, so it’s important to stay the distance and maintaining yours and your families healthy mind & body can definitely help: 

Thoughts for Today

"Life is messy, mixed up, and never a straight road. Treat! Don’t retreat. Go Ahead. Take a long bubble bath! Go for an hour long walk. Reflect.

Go out to the garden. Remember sometimes you must pull out the weeds before flowers can grow. Be patient. Always keep the vision of what you want in front of you. Work on it a bit every day. Remember, it takes time to cultivate your field of dreams. And one day, what seemed like a dirt road will be a road full of flowers."  

- Sherri Wass Shunfenthal

Little Reminders

Each fortnight Nutritionist and parent, Jess Paynter shares some of her health tips for a healthy body and mind, specific to our bodies needs during COVID-19. 

Next Edition we will ask Jessica to answer some of your questions.

Do you have a Nutrition question? 

Visit: jessicapaynter.com or Facebook.com/jessnutrition 

Here are some activities you and your family may find helpful and in some cases fun:


15 Minute Boxing Workout 

Please click here.


We made it! another week down and past the halfway point. 

I challenge you to dance, shuffle and move to this song for the

duration of the clip.  Please click here

For those who need a slower pace, please click here


Sleep!   it’s important to get a good night’s sleep.   It is 

recommended  that adults and  adolescents get eight 

hours of uninterrupted, good quality sleep (on average). 

Here are some tips to improve sleep:  

-  Put your phone on aeroplane mode before bed or charge 

it in another room on silent 

-  Avoid caffeine after 5 pm 

-  Include physical activity in your daily routine  

- Jot down any worries or concerns you may have before 

bed and set them aside for tomorrow.

Health & Nutrition - Jessica Paynter, Nutritionist & Parent

Everyday Superfoods for health and wellbeing

Adequate vitamin and mineral intake is the cornerstone of healthy immune function.

In recent weeks we have all become much more aware of viral exposure and the importance of personal hygiene to protect against illness. Our skin is the first line of defence in preventing illness. Having a predominantly whole food diet with plenty of variety will allow the body the greatest opportunity to overcome any unwelcome visitors and return to health sooner.

Nutrients important to skin and mucosal barrier health include:

Vitamin A - Liver, fish oils, Eggs as well as red and orange fruit and vegetables

Vitamin C - Fruit and vegetables 

Vitamin E - Nuts seeds and vegetable oils

Vitamin D - Cod liver oil and some deeps sea oily fish are the few foods that contain vitamin D and it is for this reason that we need to ensure exposure to direct sunlight for at least a few minutes per day.

Zinc- Oysters, red meat, poultry, nuts and seeds are excellent sources


Including a simple smoothie as a snack or afternoon pick me up can help you to fit in some extra fruit and veg for the day.


Single Serves


Stay Well, Stay Safe, Stay Connected & Stay Home