Clyde North Campus News

Spring Promises

As I watch the Jasmine outside my window preparing to bloom, I am filled with anticipation as it means Spring is just around the corner. Spring is well named, the extra daylight and the warmer weather plus holidays does indeed put a spring in our step. As week seven and eight gather momentum, many of us may be feeling somewhat tired, overwhelmed and even a little down, and of course COVID has not helped but much of this weariness is normal for Term 3. So, let us not dwell on the weariness but look forward to the fragrance of Jasmine and warmth that Spring promises.

Student Leadership

There was certainly no evidence of weariness with the year 11 students who presented themselves as candidates for College Captains 2021. Their speeches were inspiring, energetic and most honourable. Our patron Saint Peter, was made the leader of Christ’s Church on earth. He led by example, with people of all races and beliefs to bring the good news of the Kingdom to all. He worked tirelessly in the service of others. Similarly, the students of St Peter’s are called to act as servant-leaders to the College and the wider community, following Peter’s example. We should feel blessed and encouraged that each year more and more students are stepping forward to take up the challenges that come with student leadership roles. The 2020 College Captains have much to be proud of as their leadership under extraordinary times has been positive, courageous and most of all truly representative of servant leadership. The Clyde North Campus may only be in its fifth year of having College Captains, but what was evident with each 2021 candidate’s speech is that we are building a culture of excellence in student leadership. Whilst we had to conduct the speeches in a virtual world, nothing was lost in translation via the screen. Thank you to all candidates, their parents and to Mr Brannan, House Leaders, Ms Lloyd Smith and Mr Ross who worked tirelessly to ensure that this process was incredibly supportive and professional. I wish the candidates well in the next stage of the process, the interviews. Good luck and thank you for taking such pride in presenting yourselves as candidates for the 2021 College Captains. 

 Servant Leadershipbeckons to everyone, the young as well as the aged, the handicapped as well as those with vigorous health, the educated and the uneducated, worker and employer, rich and poor. It requires an understanding of these twin concepts “I count”, “I can make a difference.

And a word for one of the eight hundred plus audience of students and staff that enjoyed the student leadership speeches.

"I actually enjoyed the way the leadership auditions went because we got to see people prepare them from home, and the fact they were still so good despite not having an official thing at school, instead they had a home video, was really impressive to me. Everyone seemed to be super confident."  

- Molly

Student Wellbeing Page Happenings

There is no evidence of weariness when it comes to students participating in the challenges and competitions presented through the Student Wellbeing page;

  • Avila House have brought the family favourite game; Connect Four to the virtual world and a huge success it has become. The virtual version has increased the level of fun, skill and participation across all year levels. Valuable Rosemary Graham Shield Points are on offer ensuring fierce competition.
  • Push up challenge – impressive competition here with Tom, Ryan and Sam all pushing themselves to reach the highest push up count. Sam is currently in the lead with 70 push ups.
  • Congratulation to last week’s winner of the steps challenge, Jacob S (yr 12) who completed a massive 24,466 steps. The proof is in the screen shot below that Jacob uploaded.
  • Next week St Peter’s Got Talent will bring a new level of fun, energy and talent. We look forward to watching the vast array of acts and performances that all Houses are eagerly preparing. Well done to Assisi House for this innovative competition. More Rosemary Graham Shield points are on offer.

Please get involved in the challenges on the Student Wellbeing Page. Your Sports Captains and House Captains are working very hard to keep you motivated during remote learning through fun activities.  Go on take up a challenge or two! In fact, join me in the wheelie bin challenge next week.

As week seven, eight and the rest follow, keep strong, give yourself sometime to rest, smell the Jasmine and look forward to Spring.


I wish you all a safe and productive week.


Julie Banda

Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus