Technology News

VET Building and Construction 

The saying goes “make hay while the sun shines” and the second year VET Building and Construction students took advantage of the return to onsite schooling at the start of Term 3. The group are at the final assessment stage of their course and are required to build a small ‘L’ shaped building that will become someone’s site lunchroom.


They started with setting out the site by installing hurdles and stringing the lines to mark out the perimeter of the building. Next came the digging and installation of the stumps, which required the use of a laser level to ensure all were at the right height. During the last day before lockdown 2.0, students were able to cut and install all the bearers, joists ensuring the frame was square. 


Throughout the build they have reinforced all that has been learnt throughout the theory component of the course. More importantly they have been given the chance to practice using trade specific tools in a safe, controlled environment. We are all looking forward to making hay once the sun starts shining again.


Mr A Crawford

VET Building and Construction teacher - Cranbourne Campus