Principal's Page

Dear Parents and Carers 

The teaching and learning of writing is a target area for school improvement this year, along with parental engagement in learning. This week, staff and students are continuing the work of improving writing skills through quality teaching practices and learning experiences. Teachers have worked together to engage in professional learning and collaborative work to improve their practice and this is evident in classrooms and the writing students are producing.


What is my parental role as my child learns to write?

Oral language development is the precursor to quality writing and in the Week 4 newsletter, many tips and skills were provided to assist you to support your child’s oral language development. 


This week, I encourage you to turn to the Parenting Page of this newsletter to understand your role in supporting your child’s learning about writing. Parental engagement in your child’s learning will improve your child’s academic achievement, sense of achievement, and wellbeing. 


The St Joseph's Parental Engagement Team

Tonight I look forward to meeting with the 23 parents who have volunteered to be a part of the Parental Engagement Team at St Joseph’s. Tonight's workshop will support parents to:

  • Understand Parental Engagement in Learning v Parent Involvement
  • Understand the purpose of parental engagement in learning
  • Create a view of the future for parental engagement in learning at St Joseph’s
  • Identify potential areas of change for the school

It is not too late to join us so please feel free to come along at 7:00 pm this evening. All are very welcome.


Thank you!

A huge thank you to the nine parents who assisted at the working bee last Saturday. After so much rain, our gardens were in desperate need of some work, and students and staff are appreciative of your valuable time. Thanks to Neil Davis Raiss for coordinating the working bee and the lawn mowing roster for the P&F.


Did you check your child's uniform this morning?

The good news is that most parents of St Joseph's make it a part of the morning routine to check their child's uniforms before leaving home. 


All students should now be in the full Winter uniform and we are so appreciative of the effort parents make to ensure their children are properly attired for school each day. 


Our uniform is a part of your child's identity as a student of St Joseph's and an important part of feeling a sense of belonging.


Hat check!

Parents are asked to particularly check school hats. If your child's hat is becoming frayed, celebrate because they haven't lost it and then buy a new one. 


For all things at St Joseph's, give thanks!

Jen Charadia - Principal

Principal Awards and Merit Awards

The following students received their Principal Awards on Friday 3 June (Term 2 Week 6).

Isla J1st
Zara M1st
Conor M2nd
Eloise B2nd
Rosalind K3rd
Ella R4th
Charlotte B4th
Jedd T6th
Jeng C5th

How does my child receive a Principal's Award?

Class teachers nominate students for Blue Merit Awards and are presented at the weekly assembly.  When five Blue Merit Awards have been received, students are eligible for a Principal’s Award. When students attain their 4th Principal Award, they are awarded a Principal’s Medallion at an assembly.  End of Term awards can be included as part of the 5 awards.

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.