RED DAY- Salvo's Fundraiser

On Thursday, May 26 we are having a RED DAY to raise funds for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal! For a gold coin donation, students may wear casual clothes that include lots of RED! All donations will go towards the Red Shield Appeal.  Apart from dressing in red, there will be plenty of other fundraiser activities such as red velvet cupcakes, face painting, temporary tattoos, and more - all run by our Year 5/6 Gimmel students.   We're encouraging students to bring along a few gold coins and join in the fun.  See the slides below for all the details.


About The Salvation Army: 

  • The Red Shield Appeal is The Salvation Army's signature fundraising drive which helps fund a vast network of social and community services. 
  • The Red Shield Appeal began in 1965 and is promoted under the most recognizable symbol - the red shield. Each year (in May), The Salvation Army asks the Australian Community to help finance their services and programs through the Red Shield Appeal. The funds raised from this campaign offer support to people facing homelessness, family and domestic violence, addiction, financial hardship, and disaster/emergency situations. 
  • Every 17 seconds, The Salvation Army in Australia helps someone at one of our services or programs. This only happens because of the public’s generous support of the Red Shield Appeal. 

We encourage you to take part in this cause, dress up in RED and join in all the fun next Thursday!