
Wominjeka from the Wellbeing Team: Stacey, Wendy, Victoria


SWPBS Mission Statement 

Further to our work in creating our School Wide Positive Behaviours, our staff have collectively decided on our mission statement. This drives all of our actions and it reads as follows: 

"The Wollert Way is to empower all students with the tools and opportunities to experience success as lifelong learners in all academic and social, emotional endeavours" #wollertway 




Our students have had a wonderful start to exploring our new space at Wollert Primary School, discovering all the areas they can play and make new friends. As exciting as this is for some, it can also be challenging and overwhelming for others. We have come to discover in our first semester that our students need some extra support with Play and Social Emotional Learning. 

Our students have had an incredibly challenging 2020 and 2021, with limitations placed on the social and emotional experiences and opportunities daily school life brings. Students had less face to face social interactions and free play with peers, which is a crucial aspect of every child's social and emotional development. Learning how to 'Play' does not just happen. Safe and happy play occurs when structures and routines are in place to support the social and emotional skills of all. 

Learning how to play is going to be a big focus at Wollert Primary School in Semester 2. This will include learning new structured social games that rely on taking turns, including others and being open to learning new things. Dealing with disappointment and situations that cause discomfort is a daily part of school life. How to regulate emotions when this occurs is a critical aspect that is causing challenge for some. Developing emotional literacy alongside social skill development will form the core of our 'play' approach.



Every day away from school limits opportunities for growing social connections, friendships and a sense of belonging. When your child is absent this has an immediate impact on their social relationships as well as their academic learning. Positive friendships and a grounded sense of belonging supports your child's success at school. At Wollert PS daily attendance provides your child with the greatest chance of success, academically, socially and emotionally. Every day counts.

Students playing together at lunch time
Students playing together at lunch time



If you are noticing that your child is having difficulty in some navigating a social setting and emotions at home, please know that you are not alone. These are skills students develop through exploration, play and explicit teaching, something we know has looked different for all in recent times. Meeting every child where they need to be met in all aspects of learning is our focus. Partnering with you to support this begins with what you notice in the home. 

Please always speak to your child's teacher if you believe social interactions are having a big impact on your child's wellbeing or if you have any questions about how you can further support your child at home. Our staff are committed to building trusting relationships with your child however this takes time. It is reasonable to consider that your child's teacher may be unaware of things that might be affecting your child unless they are notified of this. At Wollert PS we encourage open communication so we can support your child in every way. If you think or know something is going on - let us know.


What you can do at home if a concern is raised by your child

  1. Talk to your child, acknowledging and naming their feelings and concerns
  2. Discuss possible strategies to use at school
  3. Ask if they have let their teacher or adult at school know about their concern; if you feel it is necessary to do so, point them in this direction
  4. Let your child try and use some strategies and monitor the situation
  5. Always let your child's teacher know if the concern warrants this or remains


Strategies for the classroom and yard

Developing strategies that develop independent self-care and problem solving under the umbrella of resilience is important in growing happy, confident students at Wollert. Following our Dan Petro (Behaviour Analysis Expert) Professional Learning, the following actions (tools) are being used across the school to strengthen every child's social and emotional 'toolkit':


3 things to do if you are feeling uncomfortable in a situation: 

1. Keep doing what I was doing 

2. Move away from the situation 

3. Ask someone for help. 

These actions are something that we believe are important life skills. Toddlers, school students, teenagers and adults are able to employ the exact same actions in uncomfortable or concerning settings they find themselves in. We will continue to build on your child's social emotion tool kit throughout next term. Working in partnership with you is always going to be the wollert way - we are better together. So if you have any questions or wonderings, you are always invited to speak to your classroom teacher or a member of the Wellbeing Team.