Outdoor &
Units 3 & 4
Year 12
Outdoor &
Units 3 & 4
Year 12
Unit 3 investigates how Australian landscapes have been shaped over time and how the different time periods and their people/s have also used and modified the natural environment.
We consider political movements that have led to the protection of outdoor environments and study all the ways outdoor environments are part of everyday interactions and relationships, along with impacts we have had on them.
In Unit 4 we get down in the dirt and learn about the importance of healthy environments, how to measure their health and why it is important for the planet to maintain their health.
This course relies on observations and experiences in real outdoor environments, so please expect to be outdoors at times if you choose to select this subject. We study risk and threats to outdoor environments and learn about systems in place to ensure the protection of Australia’s outdoor environments
Practical experiences (Trips)