Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together








Dear families,


This week students in grades 3 and grade 5 completed the NAPLAN assessment. For the first time, students at Albanvale PS completed the assessments online in the new, adaptive format. I pleased to share that the investment in digital devices and significant investment in ICT infrastructure over the last two years ensured that there were no technical glitches and students were fully able to access and navigate the assessment with reliable connection. There are some students who were absent on the test days and will complete their catch-up assessments over the coming days. I would like to congratulate all our students for their effort throughout the assessment period. They have shown a real commitment to achieving excellence by striving beyond their personal best.


Education Week

The 23-27th of March, we will be celebrating Education Week. This year, the theme celebrates 150 years of education in Victoria, exploring how things have evolved in this time and highlighting high quality learning in literacy, numeracy, and STEM. I would like to thank Mrs Burke and F-2 teachers for their efforts in preparing an eventful week and encourage each of you to join us at the actives. You can find out more on our ‘Community Noticeboard’ page. 


School Opening Time

Each morning, the school gates are open to students and families at 8:45am giving students an opportunity to follow their class routine and commence learning at 9:00am. Teachers are not on duty until 8:45am and cannot provide supervision of students until after this time. It is expected that students will arrive at school between 8:45 and 9:00am to minimise large crowds outside the school gates. Students should not be left unattended outside the school gates before 8:45am. Information about out OSH provider, BIG can be found on our website to support families in arranging supervision of their children before 8:45am. We appreciate you cooperation in ensuring a safe start to school for all children, each day.