Being Well at Magill

Erica Teumohenga
Erica Teumohenga

Student Agency and Voice at Magill School

We have a vibrant Student Agency and Voice program at Magill School. Each class elects 2 representative students to participate in whole school initiatives for a 2 Term period, then swapping over their reps to allow another group of students to be involved through Terms 3 and 4.


Our Student School Leaders align to a school initiative project and support their teacher mentor to implement ideas and initiatives to improve the school experience for all students.


Here's an update from our Student Leaders on what the Student Action Teams have been up to so far this year...

The Tech Heads

The Tech Heads are a group of students that learn about using technology properly and well. We are led by Maria Colarusso (year 4 teacher). We teach other classes how to use Chromebooks and learn shortcuts like copy, paste and barrel rolling. We run a lunch club which is for students who want to learn about coding programs like Scratch and Python etc. To be in the Tech Heads SAT group, you have to know lots about technology and be passionate about the subject. Currently, the tech heads are teaching R-2 classes about the Chromebooks that they use. We also do scavenger hunts to locate different icons and tools in Google Docs and Slides. The tools in Google Docs and Google Slides are very helpful and can help you a lot during an assignment. 


In our Student Action Team, there are 6 class representatives and 5 student leaders. The student leaders help the little buddies and guide them. Thanks for your time given to read this report.


By Jayden, Jonathan, Jeslie 

Way to Go Action Team

The Way to Go Student Action Team (SAT), helps students keep fit and healthy every day. Our action team is made up of 15 students from Reception to year 6. Our teacher for the Way to Go Action Team is Jacqui. In SAT, we have meetings every second week on Thursdays after lunch. During these meetings, we discuss different strategies and ideas for sports. Together in the first semester, we have designed posters for the Premier’s Be Active Challenge to stick around the school. The posters represent students being active in a sport. The posters are to encourage students to play in a sport or activity for an hour every day.  During meetings, we also go to the courts to play a new game discovered by a student. These games will get shared throughout the school to teach other students different sports. We have also organised lunch clubs for students to play a sport they love or want to play at lunch. These lunch club activities include: soccer, basketball and a disco. We can’t wait to see you all at our lunch clubs! Thank you for reading our first newsletter article on Student Action Teams, we hope you enjoyed it!


Naomi and Sabine 

Sustainability Stars


Hi everyone, we are from the Sustainability Stars and are here to tell you about what we've been doing as an Action Team lately. Before we start, let us explain to you what an Action Team is. An Action Team is a group of students that has been elected from different classes in all year levels. Our joy as the Sustainability Stars is to take care of the wildlife in and around our school. When our Action Team was formed, we wrote down ideas of what we would do. And we came up with a bunch of excellent ideas such as, making Bee Hotels, meaning that will make a home for wild bees to live and pollinate in. And that is just one of the wonderful ideas our Action Team has come up with. Recently we have visited the Gratitude Garden to plant new crops and flowers. Before doing that, we painted bird boxes and decorated them with sharpies.


Lawrence, Luca, Max and Julia 


Hello, this is the first Yardies report for 2022. You might be wondering, what are the Yardies? Well, the Yardies are a group of 12 Magill student representatives ranging from Reception to Year 6 who come together and discuss activities to help children be more active at recess and lunch times. We have also fundraised for a good cause. In the middle of the first term, we organized a casual day. It was a gold coin donation and all the money went to our sponsored Cheetahs and Tigers. Each representative in our action team made a poster to advertise and encourage students to participate. This year so far, we have organised fun ideas for lunch clubs. For the junior primary students, we have organised skipping ropes, Elastics, and a range of chasey games. Meanwhile, upper primary students’ games include ‘In Your Face’ and ‘Red Rover’. Thank you for reading the first Yardies mid-year report.


By Imeth and Sofie

Wellbeing Warriors

Hi, we are the Wellbeing Warriors, one of the 5 student action teams here at Magill. Our team is made of 12 students from Reception to Year 6. Our job is to share ideas that might make students feel happier, and to provide kids with activities to improve the Wellbeing at Magill school. We conducted a survey to all classes asking what we could do to improve playtimes for students.


Once we got our survey results, each action team has provided activities which are run by Student Action team representatives. They include a Disco every second Thursday. We have also tested out different ideas, such as Snakes and Ladders, Hopscotch, and many more games.


You may be thinking how this helps? The answer is it helps kids connect with other kids their age and more. It also supplies them with more to do in break-time. Our goal for this year is to ensure the mental and physical wellbeing of every student in our school. In the future we plan on making a calm and relaxing area for children to settle down. This includes books, puzzles, art, - overall a place to chill out. We hope you enjoy our plans and enjoy seeing our goals and ideas become a reality.


By Aislyn, Charlize and Johanna


Year 6 Leader's Report

Hello, students, staff and families. We are going to be talking about what the Student Leaders have been up to so far this year! Firstly, let’s get into how good the new senior uniform looks. We are all loving having our names on our jumpers and the word senior on our tops. This year the leaders have participated in many fun events, but so far some of our favourite things have included showing parents around our school on tours. It was a bit nerve wracking, but we were really excited! A big function that came up was when a group of Principals from NSW came over to look and compare our school to theirs. We took them on a tour all around and they took notes on what they saw.  


Other jobs this year include the leaders presenting yard stars at assemblies. At all junior and senior assemblies, we have had different leaders from one of the teams to present.

On Friday week 5 of this term, the Student Leaders from Trinity Gardens Primary School, Vale Park Primary School, Stradbroke School, Norwood International High School and Magill School all met up for a big Leader’s Day. Trinity Gardens school kindly hosted the day and prepared some snacks and fun games for us to participate in. We spent the morning studying data from a wellbeing survey that kids from around South Australia take part in each year. We looked at what is going well for kids and what we can do to make improvements at our school. Many of our Student Action Team activities this year are to do with improving kids sense of belonging at their school based on last year’s data.


Everything we have done so far this year has been amazing and we look forward to all the fun things yet to come.


By Kate and Charlotte 




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