From the Sport Captain

Hello students, teachers, and parents. My name is Emma Winstanley and I’m extremely honoured to have been elected as the 2020 Sports Captain. I have been at Mt A since Year, and I have been representing the College across a wide range of sports.
For 2020, my vision is to outline two very important skills which are important to have in the sporting community, and in life in general. I believe these skills are what make a strong team strive for success. These include teamwork and sportsmanship.
In sport, teamwork is an opportunity for girls to blend strengths and to build trust and responsibility. To achieve this, it is important for girls to commit to the sports for which they have signed up by attending both training sessions and games. When a team works for a common goal, it helps build important friendships and character. These friendships that the girls can build when participating at sport over the years of their Mount Alvernia journey can last a lifetime, and on the journey of a team throughout a season the girls can create incredible memories.
Sportsmanship is an important skill as it teaches all of us respect, honour, resilience, and perseverance. When we are competing in our sports, if we lose, let's lose gracefully. If we win, win and celebrate with class. Stay positive, have fun, and don’t give up.
This year, I encourage all the girls, no matter their sporting ability, to give it a go.
The first round of Wednesday afternoon CaSSSA sports is about to begin on 26 February, where we have girls competing across a wide range of sports, including AFL (all year levels), Touch Football (Years 7 and 8), Volleyball (Years 9-12) and Indoor Cricket (all year levels). Our tennis players are also competing on a Saturday at Shaw Park and other venues, and the Futsal teams have competitions coming up as well. Swimming training is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and is open to all girls, with all swimming abilities, at 7.00am, and Cross Country training is on Monday and Wednesday mornings also at 7.00am. All girls are welcome to participate in these training sessions, and I encourage the girls to give them a go. Good Luck to all the girls competing!
Emma Winstanley
Sports Captains - Trimester 1
Elise Hart – Indoor Cricket
Nicola Jahnke – Tennis
Sophie Green – Cross Country
Tayliah Tam – Volleyball
Emma Winstanley – College Sport Captain
Grace O’Donnell – AFL Captain
Keali Nicholson – Volleyball Captain
Chloe Winstanley – Cross Country Captain
Bianca Duncan – Swimming Captain
Breanne Shepherd – Touch Captain