Life in the iCentre

The year has got off to a busy start in the iCentre. We have celebrated Queensland School Library Week culminating with Library Lover’s Day on Friday 14 February. Molly’s House paid us a visit on Library Lover’s Day and presented us with a beautiful heart. It is so precious to have visits from these beautiful children.
We have hosted our first Parent Book Chat Breakfast and met all our new Year 7 readers in their first Campfire sessions. If you are a parent who loves reading and are interested in joining our Book Chat Group, please don’t hesitate to get in touch ( We also publish book reviews for readers of all ages on the iCentre website (
Finally, we have been blessed with a number of new volunteers helping out in the iCentre this year, along with our many student library monitors, ensuring that the iCentre will be operating like a well-oiled machine.
Helen Stower
Program Leader - iCentre