Quick Dates

Week 4/5 Term 1

Friday 21 February

Year 7 Camp concludes

5.00pm  AHS Swim Meet (Centenary Pool)

FCIP Welcome Evening (Padua)


Saturday 22 February

CaSSSA Tennis

9.30am  MFIC 90 Years in Australia Celebration Mass (Church of the Little Flower);  Morning tea (Mt A)

6.00pm  P&FSN Parent Social Evening (Rooftop Terrace)


Monday 24 February

3.15pm  Debating Competition (Brisbane Girls' Grammar School)


Tuesday 25 February

9.30am  Project Compassion Launch 2020 (St Stephen's Cathedral)

Year 7 Meet the Teacher Night


Wednesday 26 February

10.30am  Ash Wednesday Liturgy

CaSSSA AFL, Indoor Cricket, Touch, Volleyball - Round 1

6.30pm  Years 11 and 12 Drama excursion


Thursday 27 February

GRIP Student Leadership Conference

3.30pm Rugby 7s Training (Norths Rugby Club)