Global Citizen Awards

Global Citizen Award Certificates will be presented at assembly on...

Monday 22nd May 9:00am


Taichi C  -  Quality Learning

Taichi always works hard on all learning tasks and takes care to ensure his handwriting is beautifully completed.Great work,Taichi!

Darcy M  -  Quality Learning

Darcy works diligently on all learning tasks striving to improve her understanding and producing work of an excellent standard. Congratulations, Darcy!

Benjamin L  -  Quality Learning

Benjamin is always working hard to complete all tasks to the best of his ability. His writing is showing fantastic awareness of sounds. Well done!

Katy Z  -  Quality Learning

Katy takes great pride in her work. She completes each learning task with beautiful presentation and handwriting. Keep up the fantastic work!

Edward H  -  Quality Learning

Edward always show a positive attitude towards learning his sight words and uses great strategies to improve his reading skills.

Mia N  -  Excellence

Mia strives for excellence in all her learning. Her work is always beautifully completed, well done Mia!

Year 1

Skye S  -  Excellence

Skye has been striving for excellence in her work this term. Her work is always wonderfully completed. Well done Skye!

Tim S  -  Persistance

For persisting with his writing and producing a very informative recount on out science incursion. Great job Tim!

Kira B  -  Quality Learning

Kira consistently displays a positive attitude towards learning in all subjects. She also takes great pride in the work she produces. Well done, Kira!

Hamish H  -  Persistence

Hamish has been using different strategies to help him read unfamiliar words. He is also prone to going beyond what is required of him.

Sienna S  -  Quality Learning

For concentrating carefully and putting a lot of effort into her Reading. Keep up the great work Sienna.

Harvey K  -  Persistence

For producing some excellent writing and persisting even when he has already been writing for a long time. Great work Harvey.

Year 2

Danny B  -  Persistence

For the persistence he showed during a place value investigation.  Danny didn’t give up and was able to solve the problem many different ways.

Elleni T  -  Persistence

For persisting with her writing and producing a very informative recount about our excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance.

Georgia W  -  Persistence

For the persistence she demonstrates when working through mathematical tasks. Well done Georgia.

Morgan N  -  Persistence

Morgan is continuing to persist with his handwriting and the presentation of all his written work. Well done Morgan.

Year 3

Tom F  -  Persistence

Tom worked really hard and independently while discovering the lines of symmetry in an octagon during a Maths investigation. Excellent work Tom!

Darcy M  -  Acceptance

Darcy is a friendly member of the classroom who is always willing to include anyone to join him in group work or freetime.  

Subira S  -  Excellence

Subira strives to do her best during all Literacy sessions. She is continually developing her narratives and putting in as many adjectives as she can. Well done!

Jack C  -  Quality Learning

Jack has settled into Ormond Primary with ease. He has shown a positive attitude towards his learning in all subject areas and is not afraid to ask for clarification. Well done!

Sam H  -  Persistence

Sam has demonstrated persistence in all his learning tasks and in identifying his personal goals for this term. Well done Sam.

Kody W  -  Quality Learning

Kody has shown his commitment to quality learning by choosing and reading books for the Victoria Premier’s Reading Challenge. Well done Kody.

Year 4

Thomas W  -  Quality Learning

Thomas showed terrific understanding and great learning when solving and creating one and two-step patterns in mathematics.

Takara S  -  Quality Learning

Takara confidently shares her excellent mathematics knowledge and thinking during investigations and group learning.

Sebastian P  -  Excellence

Sebastian works hard at home and school to improve his writing legibility. He has proven has the potential for excellence in recent weeks. Your quickly on your way to a pen license Sebastian. Well done.

Zoe M  -  Persistence

Zoe continues to challenge herself with Spelling words at the top end of her capabilities. She persist through the odd error to ensure she is adapting and growing as a speller. Brilliant.

Mitchell H  -  Excellence

Mitchell wrote and effectively edited his own engaging narrative demonstrating his excellent understanding of how to use speech marks. Well done, Mitchell.

Isla K  -  Quality Learning

Isla’s book work is always immaculate. Her recent work on subtraction with three digit numbers and number renaming set an excellent example for others. Fabulous work, Isla.

Year 5

Andy W  -  Quality Learning

For reading the passage of “The Three Little Pigs” to the class. Andy used expression, fluency and eye contact to add enjoyment for the audience. Great job!

Charlie McL  -  Quality Learning

For his positive attitude, enthusiasm and engagement that he displays  in all his learning tasks. He always applies effort to all that he does. Well done!

Tali R  -  Respect

For always interacting thoughtfully with others, respecting another’s point of view and considering the feelings of others.

Delfin T  -  Excellence

For consistently striving to produce work of a high standard in all curriculum areas, committing to tasks and thinking about ways to further develop his work

Year 6

Ella S  -  Persistence

Ella displays the confidence to ask questions to aid her understanding when faced with challenges.

Rikki B  -  Quality Learning

Rikki is an all rounder who gives 100% across all curriculum areas.

Lewis S  -  Excellence

Lewis displays exceptional drive and passion during interschool sport. His dedicated approach has contributed to the ongoing success of the OPS football team.  

Zoe D  -  Excellence

Zoe produced an incredibly detailed project and presentation during the “Levels of Government” unit. She received top marks for her effort.   


Hamish H  -  1B  -  Excellence

In soccer games Hamish demonstrates ball skills and strategies that are outstanding.

Indigo G  -  PB  -  Excellence

In PMP Indigo shows leadership by modelling the activities and assisting her group.


Ethan H  -  PC  -  Persistence

For his persistence in learning to logon. To his surprise it paid off and ‘he did it!’

Sarah D  -  3A  -  Persistence

For her persistence in completing her Mother’s Day card when she had difficulty printing. Great effort Sarah.

Visual Art

Max M  -  3B  -  Respect

Max is consistently respectful during Visual Arts sessions. He displays care when using the equipment provided and thoughtfully offers assistance to both his teacher and peers.

Isaac D  -  4C  -  Persistence

The wonderful effort Isaac displayed in order to stay on task and complete his Desert Landscape, enabled him to finish a wonderful piece of artwork of which he should be proud!