School News

Events on Compass awaiting Approval

Year 3

Scienceworks - Due 16th May

Year 4

Melbourne Zoo - Due 24th May

Year 5

2017 Camp Curumbene - Final Payment Due 19th May

Year 6

Yr 6 Camp Coonawarra - Consent Due 26th May

Final Payment Due 31st May

Selected Students

District Cross Country Championships - Due 19th May


COMPASS Parent Portal 

*please note that once the 'due by' date has passed the online consent function is no longer available.

Ormond's Got Talent

Ormonds Got Talent is an annual event showcasing performing arts talent within the school. Students from Year 3 to 6 are able to audition, and if selected will perform at our grand final performance on Thursday 29th June, in the Hall. 


The whole school is invited to watch our talented acts in the areas of singing, dance, acting, comedy,magic and music performance. 


Auditions will take place on Monday 29th May and Wednesday 31st May. Students who are selected to perform at the Grand Final can organise costumes if they wish.

Junior School Council News

On Tuesday 30th May, the Junior School Council (JSC) will be hosting a charitable event on behalf of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC). 


Thousands of people seeking asylum across Australia, including children, face an uncertain future. More than 90% of people who seek protection experience food insecurity, run out of food and cannot afford to buy more.

The ASRC is an independent, not for profit organisation, run by volunteers and supporters, whose programs support and empower people seeking asylum to maximise their own physical, mental and social wellbeing.


We are asking you to consider buying an item when you next go shopping to support this cause. Items will be collected at school at the start of the day on Tuesday 30th May and delivered to the ASRC’s Elwood collection centre during the next few days.


To help with collecting as wide a range of items as possible, we have a list of goods that are required to support the asylum seekers. We have organised the donation items by year level.

  • Prep  -  Baby wipes, toilet paper
  • Year 1  -  Dishwashing liquid, laundry powder
  • Year 2  -  Shampoo, conditioner, soap
  • Year 3 & 4  -  Coats, blankets and cloth tote/shopping bags
  • Year 5A  -  Pasta, pasta sauce, Basmati rice
  • Year 5B  -  Tins coconut cream/milk, dried fruit (with no added sugar), tins of lentils, red kidney beans, chickpeas (without sauce)
  • Year 6A  -  Healthy breakfast cereals and long life milk
  • Year 6B  -  Black tea, instant coffee, tins of tomatoes, corn and peas (not in sauce).

We would appreciate it if you could adhere to these items sorted by Year level. This will ensure we get a balanced mix of goods. If you have anything else you would like to donate, take a look at the organisation’s website ( with suggestions on where to drop off other goods. These items cannot be accepted at school.


Finally, if you have any strong, flat packed cardboard boxes for transporting that you can donate, it would be much appreciated

The Ormond PS community is very generous in supporting the causes the JSC identifies and we hope this event will be another huge success.


Thank you.

JSC and the Community Captains

Year 1 News

Year 1 students had a great time during our Science Incursion on Monday 8th May. The topic was Chemistry and the workshop was called “Chemistry Chaos”.


The Year 1s investigated “What is a chemical?” They learnt that everything in our world is made up of chemicals. A special group of chemicals are polymers. We explored the interesting properties of different chemicals and grew polymer water beads. The year 1s enjoyed watching some fizzing chemical reactions, and performed their own.


They discovered the difference between a temporary physical change and a permanent chemical change during experiments. One of the favourite activities was using cabbage water to indicate acids and bases through colour change. You can see by the faces in the photos how interested all students were to see the chemical changes. A few comments heard by the teachers included... "Chemistry is so cool"  "I'm going to be a Scientist when I grow up" and "This is the best day ever!"

Year 2 News

We are almost at the end of week 5 as we write this newsletter; my how time flies! The students are all back into the classroom routine and have set their term goals.


Writing: Both Narrative and an Information text will be studied.  The correct format will be taught.  Emphasis will also be on handwriting. We are using the Victorian Cursive Script with the dotted third lines.

Reading: The focus will continue to be on the comprehension of a text. Students will also read daily and be given opportunities to read in front of an audience. Please read with your child on a daily basis.

Speaking and Listening: We will continue to teach real listening skills in both small and large groups. Students will be given an opportunity to present a short talk about a project that links with their History studies. More information will be sent home about this.

Grammar and Word Study: Past tense verbs, adjectives, plurals, adverbs, antonyms and compound words will be revised and taught. Punctuation in all writing is ongoing. The word study focus will be on consonant and vowel diagraphs. These will include, th, wh, oo & ou, ue, ee & ea and silent letters.



Number and Algebra: The initial focus this term will be counting, (skip counting, counting up and down). The student’s understanding of Place Value is an important basis for all mathematical thinking and processing. The connection between addition and subtraction will be studied and they will solve problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies.  Multiplication will be represented as repeated addition and arrays. Division will be studied as equal groups or sets. Halves, quarters and eighths will be taught in the study of fractions.

Measurement & Geometry: Length will be investigated; informally to begin with and then some formal units will be introduced.

Statistics and Probability: Chance and probability with familiar, everyday events and the language used to describe these possibilities will be studied. Data will involve posing questions to gather data, use of tally marks and recording and interpretation of simple bar graphs.



Our unit of study is the Past in the Present. Students explore, recognise and appreciate the history of their local area by examining remains of the past and considering why they should be preserved. Our excursion to The Shrine of Remembrance in week 3 provided an opportunity for students to understand the importance of the past and make connections with their families.

You are always welcome to come into the classroom before school for a visit and if necessary, arrange a time to catch up with us.


Shrine of Remembrance

On Wednesday 3rd May the Year 2 students enjoyed a day at Shrine of Remembrance followed by a walk through the Botanical Gardens. The students reflected with the following comments.

"I felt excited because I wanted to go into the Shrine."  - Briley

"I wondered how long it took to build the Shrine."  -  Sam

"I learned the on the 11th November at 11:00 the sun shines through a hole in the roof and onto

the plaque that reads ‘Greater Love Hath No Man'."   - Lily

"I learned that the Eternal Flame did go out one day when it hailed a lot."  - Ruby

"I felt for the people who sacrificed their lives for us." -  Ryan

"I wondered how many people survived."  -Luca

"I felt sad at the ceremony because I remembered all the people who died in the war." -  Clementine


Sally Berryman and Effie Liarakos

Bully Zero Australia

Last Tuesday week, Bully Zero Australia visited Ormond Primary to present to the Year 4 and 5 students. Their goal is to educate and empower children to manage a bullying occurrence. The students gained much from the presentation, as shared below.


"There are 4 types of bullying and bullying is only bullying if it is repeated. The four different types of bullying are: social, verbal, cyber and physical bullying."  - Charlie, Rosa, Thomas, Sam and Ruby


"Some things like arguing or accidentally hurting people isn't bullying even if some people think it is. If someone calls you a name once, it’s not bullying. When you do something hurtful or annoying again and again it can be bullying."   -  George, Paras, Mitchell and Austin


"I learnt that bullies have often been bullied themselves. If you get bullied the bully has a problem because they have probably been bullied and they want you to feel the same way."  -  Alice and Sam


"I learnt that lots of people don’t get up in the morning because of bullying and don’t go to school or fake to be sick."  - Isabelle


"I learnt that the MCG can fit all of the kids that don’t go to school each day because they are bullied."  - Fonjer


"If you see someone getting bullied, or you get sad from being bullied, tell a teacher or your mum and dad!"  - Takara and Janet


"Be an up-stander, not a by-stander. You can distract the bully by saying, “Hey, isn’t it time for basketball training? Let’s go.” - Kevin


"If you stand up to bully with your friends, you have more power." - Asha


"You could go to jail for bullying if you're older than 10 for 10 years." - LuLu


"Some apps you need to be 13 or over and most have age restrictions."  - Lachlan


"I learned that if someone does something repetitively (pushing, tripping) it can mean you are being bullied. If you are being bullied tell a teacher, parent or guardian ASAP." - Zoe R


Some great facts and advice from the Year 4 Students!

Out of School Care News

Jumper Rule

During the colder weather in term two and three, we require children to wear a jumper outside if they are not participating in sport or physical activity. Parents can exclude their children from this requirement by providing a note stating their child is not required to wear a jumper.


After School Care Activities

Thursday 18th May                 Frilled Neck Lizard

Friday 19th   May                     Troll Magnets

Monday 22nd May                  Hanging Wire Fish

Tuesday 23rd May                   Bookmarks

Wednesday 24th May              Paper Plate Space Ships

Thursday 25th May                 Wish Bracelets

Friday 26th May                      Cooking

Monday 29th May                   Rain Sticks

Tuesday 30th May                   Cooking

Wednesday 31st May             Foam Hats


Thankyou Parent Helpers

A big thanks, to the parents who washed our dress up clothing. We can now set up our dramatic play box.


Program Hours

Before School Care - 7:30am to 8:45am

After School Care - 3:30pm to 6:00pm

Ph: 03 9578 5826


April Kopitz

OSHC Coordinator

Upcoming Meeting Dates - 7:30pm in staffroom

  • Tuesday 6th June
  • Tuesday 18th July - TBC

Save the Dates

  • Friday 23rd June  -   Winter Warmer (Adults only) – Organised by Year 2
  • Saturday 19th August  -  Trivia Night (Adults only) – Organised by Year 5
  • Friday 1st September  -  Father's Day Breakfast (Dad's & Kids) – Organised by Year 4
  • Saturday 25th November - End of Year Party (Families & Staff) – Organised by P&F

Mother's Day Movie Night

A great night had by 200 Mums and kids on Friday 12th May - both movies were a fabulous success and it was lovely to see so many families ‘camping out’ and having fun together in the hall and the library! 

Thanks to Richard (Ruby's dad from Year1) from IMAX for the popcorn, to Kate (Hayley and Ruby’s Mum) from Arbonne for the door prize and to ALDI for the ice creams.  Thanks also to all the helpers running up to, and including, the day itself- including the Year 6 ICT team, Mr Butler, April, Zach, Brodie, the wonderful P&F and of course the fabulous Year 1 mums – we couldn’t have done it without you!

4th Annual Mothers Day Fabulous Lunch

The Mothers Day Fabulous Lunch and Fashion parade was once again a great success.  Our charity this year was the Sacred Heart Mission, and we raised just over $1000!

Thanks to our lovely models Sarah, Kerry, Steph & Georgie . Thanks to Ross and his team for a fabulous lunch and to Sean at Sacred Heart.

Entertainment Book 2017

The new 2017 Entertainment Book is now available to be pre purchased. Forms are available in the office or you can order online at Paperback Book and Digital Memberships available for $70.


Contact Details

If you are not receiving emails from P&F and would like to be added to the list, please email your details including child’s name/s and grade/s to