School Dates

Dates to Remember


Wednesday 17th  -  School Council

Tuesday 23rd  -  Yr 5 Camp Departs 7am

                             -  Yr 3 Scienceworks Excursion

Thursday 25th  -  District Cross Country 

Friday 26th  -  Yr 5 Camp Returns approx 3:15pm



Monday 5th  -  Yr 6 Camp Depart

Friday 9th  -  Yr 6 Camp Return 

Monday 12th  -  Public Holiday

Tuesday 13th  -  Ed Sub Committee 6:30pm

Monday 19th  -  Year 3/4 Sioree (Time TBC)

Wednesday 21st  - School Council 

Monday 26th  -  Parent/Teacher Interviews

Tuesday 27th  -  Parent/Teacher Interviews

Friday 30th  -  Term 2 Ends: 2:30pm Dismissal



Monday 17th  -  Term 3 Begins



Wednesday 9th  -  Yr5/6 Soiree TBC

Thursday 17th  -  Yr 3 Camp Depart TBC

Friday 18th  -  Yr 3 Camp Return TBC

Saturday 19th  -  P&F Trivia Night

Tuesday 29th  -  School House Athletics TBC



Monday 4th  -  District Athletics TBC

Tuesday 12th  -  Ed Sub Committee 6:30pm

Wednesday 13th  -  Yr 1 & 2 Soiree TBC

Wednesday 20th  -  School Council

Friday 22nd  -  Term 3 Ends: 2:30pm Dismissal

2017 Term Dates


31st January to 31st March - 2:30pm finish


18th April to 30th June - 2:30pm finish


17th July to 22nd September - 2:30pm finish


9th October to 22nd December-1:30pm finish

2017 Curriculum Days

  • Monday 30th of January
  • Monday 24th of April
  • Friday 2nd of June
  • Monday 6th of November

Students are not required to attend school on these days. The Out of School Hours Care Program will be available, please contact April  on 03 9578 5826 to discuss boookings.

2017 School Council Meetings

  • Wednesday 17th May 7:00pm
  • Wednesday 21st June 7:00pm
  • July  -  no meeting TBC
  • Wednesday 16th  August 7:00pm
  • Wednesday 20th September 7:00pm
  • Wednesday 25th October 7:00pm
  • Wednesday 15th Nvember 7:00pm
  • December meeting TBC

2017 Education Sub-Committee Meetings

  • Tuesday June 13th 6:30pm
  • July - no meeting
  • Tuesday August 8th 6:30pm
  • Tuesday September 12th 6:30pm
  • Tuesday October 24th 6:30pm
  • November - no meeting

2017 Public Holidays

  • Thursday 26th January - Australia Day
  • Monday 13th March - Labour Day
  • Friday 14th April - Good Friday
  • Monday 17th April - Easter Monday
  • Tuesday 25th April - Anzac Day
  • Monday 12th June - Queens Birthday
  • Friday 29th September - AFL Grand Final Friday
  • Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day
  • Monday 25th December - Christmas Day

Prep 2018 Enrolment School Tours

School Tours are conducted on a regular basis by the Principal. Tours begin at 9:30 am and last approximately one hour. The tour dates for 2017 are:

  • Friday 19th of May
  • Tuesday 6th of June
  • Monday 17th of July
  • Tuesday 8th of August
  • Monday 4th of September
  • Monday 16th of October
  • Friday 10th of November

Enrolment Packs for 2018 will be available from Term 2 at the School Office between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday, or if you are attending a school tour. For further enquiries please contact the school office on 03 9578 1327.

2018 Term Dates


30th January to 29th March


16th April to 29th June


16th JULY to 21st September


8th October to 21st December

School Communication Channels



COMPASS Parent Portal 

Do you have free the Compass App yet? If not - go to your Applications Store on your smart phone and download today! Apple and Android versions available. 

School Office Hours

Monday to Friday

8:15am to 4:15pm 

Ph: 03 9578 1327                

Fax: 03 9578 4540

The Ormond Team

Glenn Butler - Principal
Brodie Thomson - Communications and Administration
Siobhan Hosking - Year 5
Julie Nield - Year 3
Jade Lipson - Year 3
Sandra Johnson - Year 6
Felicity Hall-Shulman - Leadership and Year 5
Jacinda Hocking - Foundation
Jan Cassidy - Business Manager
Chris Cheverton - Year 6
Kim Stewart - ICT
Gregg Workman - Year 4
Michelle De Silva - Education Support
Stephanie Halliday - Foundation
Paul Bratt - Year 1
Joshua Kamoen - Year 3
Anna Park - Korean Language
Lorraine Bell - Year 4
Helen Ioannou - Foundation
Andrea Durward - Year 1
Margot Hudson - Year 4
Joshua Hewett - Year 1
Effie Liarakos - Year 2
Helen Kupfer - Visual Arts
Zach McMahon - Multimedia
Michael Pannam - PE/Sport
Sue Rimmer - Education Support
Lina Sidiropoulos - Education Support
Tristan Kopitz - Outs of School Hours and Education Support
Amanda Davis - Education Support
Sharelle Davis - Out of School Hours and Education Support
Lorrie Dell - Assistant Principal
Sally Berryman - Leadership and Year 2
Glenn Butler - Principal
Brodie Thomson - Communications and Administration
Siobhan Hosking - Year 5
Julie Nield - Year 3
Jade Lipson - Year 3
Sandra Johnson - Year 6
Felicity Hall-Shulman - Leadership and Year 5
Jacinda Hocking - Foundation
Jan Cassidy - Business Manager
Chris Cheverton - Year 6
Kim Stewart - ICT
Gregg Workman - Year 4
Michelle De Silva - Education Support
Stephanie Halliday - Foundation
Paul Bratt - Year 1
Joshua Kamoen - Year 3
Anna Park - Korean Language
Lorraine Bell - Year 4
Helen Ioannou - Foundation
Andrea Durward - Year 1
Margot Hudson - Year 4
Joshua Hewett - Year 1
Effie Liarakos - Year 2
Helen Kupfer - Visual Arts
Zach McMahon - Multimedia
Michael Pannam - PE/Sport
Sue Rimmer - Education Support
Lina Sidiropoulos - Education Support
Tristan Kopitz - Outs of School Hours and Education Support
Amanda Davis - Education Support
Sharelle Davis - Out of School Hours and Education Support
Lorrie Dell - Assistant Principal
Sally Berryman - Leadership and Year 2


Glenn Butler

Assistant Principal 

Lorrie Dell


Glenn Butler

Lorrie Dell

Sally Berryman

Felicity Hall-Shulman

Lorraine Bell


Helene Ioannou 

Jacinda Hocking

Stephanie Halliday

Year 1 

Joshua Hewett

Paul Bratt

Andrea Durward

Year 2 

Sally Berryman - Foundation to  Year 2 Team Leader

Effie Liarakos

Year 3 

Joshua Kamoen

Jade Lipson

Julie Nield

Year 4

Lorraine Bell - Year 3-4 Team Leader

Gregg Workman

Margot Hudson

Year 5 

Felicity Hall-Shulman - Year 5-6 Team Leader

Siobhan Hosking

Year 6 - Level 4

Sandra Johnson

Chris Cheverton

Specialist Teachers

Michael Pannam - PE/Sport

Helen Kupfer - Visual Arts

Kim Stewart - ICT

Anna Park - Korean Language

Welfare/Education Support

Lorrie Dell - Wellbeing & Welfare Coordinator

Michelle De Silva

Sue Rimmer

Belinda Van Kessel

Lina Sidiropoulos

Bianca Borsi

Amanda Davis


Jan Cassidy - Business Manager

Brodie Thomson - Communications

Out of School Hours Care

April Kopitz - Program Coordinator 

Sharelle Davis - Assistant Coordinator

Tristan Kopitz