Year 10 Pastoral Guardian

Happy Easter.  I am very proud of the Year 10 cohort and the way in which they have conducted themselves this term.  They have worked extremely hard and have continued to grow in strength.  The holidays have come early, and I encourage them to take time to rest and rejuvenate.  Nature is forcing us as human beings to slow down, and it is important we do.

My dearest Papa once said, “Uncertain times calls for certain measures”.   The uncertainty of each day is yearning for moments of certainty and normality.  And, while I do not possess the powers to gaze into a crystal ball and tell you where we will all be in the weeks to come, I can help you find ways to embrace this home time with your daughter, to take certain measures in these uncertain times.  The list below provides you with a range of activities that you could encourage your daughter to do, all with a strong focus on maintaining healthy wellbeing.


Physical Wellbeing

  1. Link in with friends and download a fitness app together.  Complete the workouts and support each other along the way (friendly rivalry).  Several Year 10 students are already doing this with the Nike app.
  2. Make the first movement of the day some form of extended movement/exercise.  Example: Just Dance on YouTube, walk in the sunshine, jog/run, bike ride, skipping, etc
  3. Try something new: Example - Yoga.  There are many apps available (Daily Yoga, Pocket Yoga, Yoga Studio, Simply Yoga).

Emotional Wellbeing

1. Make a Sensory Bottle ( 

While it may seem like a child’s activity, there is a lot of evidence indicating that sensory bottles calm the nervous system (see below).


2. Rearrange the bedroom – create a room that is welcoming, warm, decluttered, and inspiring.

3. Music – every day fill the house with music.  Dance, sing and play music.  Why not try mixing music by using one of many apps available?

4. Jar of ideas – find an old jar/container and each morning write down something you’d like to be doing today (eg go to the beach, cook with grandparents).  At the end of this time, select some of your ideas and do them.

5. Meditation. Take time to be still and centred – Insight Timer is a fabulous app


Cognitive Wellbeing

1. Innovative/Creativity board – can be created on a pinboard, piece of cardboard, or the wall.  The board will enhance the innovation and creativity capability of your daughter.  Lots of fun to create and is always evolving (see image below).

2. Photography – take the camera out and explore the world of photography.  Involve the family and do the 'one photo a day challenge'.  Imagine the collage created at the end of this.  Make a photo book.

3. Masking Tape Painting.  Using a canvas or piece of cardboard, place strips of tape at all different angles to create a pattern.  Apply different coloured paint to create an edgy piece of artwork (see image below).


Check out this website, there are so many creative ideas you could try.


Social Wellbeing

  1. The Clare School Leaders have created a Teams page called COVID-ACTION.  The purpose of this page is socially connecting the cohort.  It is a brilliant initiative and a fantastic place to maintain social wellbeing with their peers.
  2. Connect with the neighbours and share a story.
  3. Set up an Easter treasure hunt for the whole family.


Take care

Tamara Richardson