Year 7-9 Activities Week/ End of Year Excursions

Activities Week (the last week of the school year) is fast approaching. The week begins with the annual Year Level Excursions on the Monday and a further three days of fun activities and events at school. Students will sign-up for these activities later in the term.


Please read the following information in relation to the excursions:

  • Year 7 Funfields Adventure Park- $40
  • Year 8 Luna Park $40
  • Year 9 Surfing/ Mountain Biking @ Torquay $115 (sign up for this event has commenced)

Date of Excursion Monday 16th December (Week 11)

Payment/Consent Due Friday 6th December (Week 9)


The cost covers the excursion, transport and some other activities throughout the week.  Please log on to Compass to make payment and give consent. Please note that this an opt-in event. This means that there is a cap on the number of students able to attend. To ensure your child's place, please accept the invitation to attend the event by clicking 'Accept Event' via the Events tab in Compass and follow the instructions to make the payment. If consent/payment is not processed on the same day, the status will revert back to 'Invited' and the student's place will not be guaranteed.


No late payments or partial payments will be accepted. Students are permitted to wear sports uniform for this week.


We would also like to inform parents that Thursday 19th December will be an early 2.30pm finish (the bus company has been informed). 



Junior School Team