From the Acting Principal

As we approach the end of November, our current Year 11 students have just completed week one of Year 12 Orientation and are well underway to gaining an appreciation of the work required during this difficult but very rewarding year.


Congratulations to our newly appointed School Captains for 2020, Riley Callick and Stephanie Page. We look forward to their contribution next year and I’m sure they will be well supported by our two Vice Captains, Jakob Van Kalken and Christina Sovolos.   Well done!




ALL students will soon receive their subject confirmation and book list for 2020. This is the perfect opportunity to encourage your child to read their novels in preparation for next year. The benefits of reading are significant and it’s never too late to find a book that interests them. Encourage your child to read every day and model their behaviour. Have books in your home, go to the local library together, speak to our knowledgeable librarians about what type of book may be of interest and utilise our wonderful resource, which is superbly stocked with a great range of fiction and non-fiction material.


With the extremely hot weather upon us, I would like to remind parents and students to slip, slop, slap.  Please encourage your child to be sun smart and drink plenty of water.  We encourage all students to have water bottles with them in class.


Every Thursday afternoon Teachers have PLC Meetings (Professional Learning Communities) and teachers work in teams of 5-6.  These teams were formed in Term 2 of this year and teachers have used this time to develop, discuss and enhance literacy skills for their particular subject area. This is vitally important work, especially the process of developing academic vocabulary for specific subject areas. On Thursday 14th November our teachers utilised the afternoon PLC presenting and learning from each other.  I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all our Staff for the commitment and tremendous effort they have invested in understanding and learning during this process.


This learning cycle is known as the FISO Improvement Cycle and is a process that can be utilised to improve any identified problem. Below is one visual representation of the model.

Arthur Soumalias

Acting Principal