From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank College Community,
Welcome to 2021!
We have had a very smooth beginning to the school year and students have transitioned well to new bell times, different classes and locker areas.
We certainly want to praise the vast majority of students who are getting to school/class on time; engaging with their learning, wearing masks as asked and wearing the correct uniform.
I spoke with students today at an assembly about the importance of empowerment – about students taking responsibility for their effort, their behaviour and the choice they make about being an active and positive member of the College
We certainly want to praise the vast majority of students who are making great choices: they are getting to school/class on time; engaging with their learning, wearing masks as asked and wearing the correct uniform.
A small number of students still do not yet have this right. As parents and guardians, please support the College with having your student in the correct uniform and with getting students to the College on time for period one.
House System
Our first period of Launch for the Middle School took place on Tuesday. Feedback from teachers and Heads of House was that the cross-age sessions were very successful. We look forward to building that connection between teachers and students, students and students and their House identity.
The change to a 4 x 75 minute period daily timetable has taken staff and students a little adjustment. The feedback from staff and students generally has been positive. The change in the overall timetable will allow for less distraction or interruption to classes, greater time on task engaged in deeper learning.
Students have been encouraged to bring water and a healthy snack to have between periods 1 & 2, and they can visit the toilet during the changeover.
Whilst the ongoing challenges we face with Covid remain, we have very quickly established a ‘business as usual’ approach, the emphasis being on classroom learning routines and high expectations of all of our learners.
Information about the House system and the House Leaders is on our website. You will be able to find out your student’s House and House contact. This information is also on Compass.
Tutor Learning Initiative
The Department has allocated funding to allow us to establish the tutor learning initiative at the College. The funding is to support students whose learning was negatively impacted during remote learning. The College has identified students across all year levels, using multiple forms of data (attendance, wellbeing and academic data).
Letters have gone out to offer tutor support to our senior students. This will take place at different times during the day and after school, depending on the year level of the student. A schedule will become available for students soon. The College has employed a number of tutors to support students with ‘catch-up’.
Students in the Middle School who have been identified as needing support will also receive letters of offer in the next week. These students will receive small group tutoring in classes, with either literacy or numeracy.
We are committed to providing a program that will enable students to achieve the learning growth they need.
It is crucial that we have parent and guardian support in ensuring that students take advantage of this program. Non-attendance means that they may not achieve the ‘catch up’ needed to get their learning back on track.
If your student has not been identified as needing additional support, they are very welcome to attend our after school Study Hall (homework club) (which will be held each Thursday afternoon from 3.20pm-5pm in the Library beginning next Thursday 11th February) and seek assistance from their teachers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shandelle Feduniw (Literacy Leader) or Sue Calder (Numeracy Leader) at the College.
2020 VCE Results
Our Year 12 cohort performed admirably through a difficult year and we want to congratulate them.
The College median study score is 30.
15% of our students achieved 90+ scores
31% achieved 80+ scores
We want to congratulate all of our students on completion this year.
Our College DUX is Sofia Gravier, with a score of 98.5.
Next was Lillian Brasch, who achieved a score of 98.3 and a perfect 50 study score for Legal Studies.
Ai Wei Chia achieved a study score of 97.65.
We look forward to congratulating these students in an assembly later in the term.
Swimming Carnival
This Monday, February 8th, is our first major carnival event. We are expecting student attendance and as much participation as possible! To continue to build that House pride and identity, we encourage students to dress up in House colours and participate in swimming and non-swimming events to gain House points.
Leadership Camp
Our Year 12 student leaders are currently enjoying their annual camp. The change in venue - Tidal River at Wilson’s Prom, has allowed our leaders to challenge themselves in a variety of different ways. We know they will return to school energised and with many fantastic ideas to enact in their individual leadership roles. Thanks to the Senior Team: Ruth Perkins, Renea Betts and Ben Ponte for your work in organising and leading the camp.
Here’s an update from Billy Dyall (Hydra House Captain)
Day 1 Leadership Camp
Today all the College Leaders assembled early in the morning to take part in the Wilson’s Prom Leadership Camp with the aim to build a cohesive and effective team as we work through 2021.
We were all very excited and eager to find out what our activities this would entail whilst camping in the National Park.
Leaving the College grounds on a bus at 8:30am, we began our Leadership Camp journey. After some bus karaoke we arrived in the stunning Wilson’s Prom.
Here, we were informed about our very first activity.
3.5km later we found ourselves at the top of Mount Oberon. With some of us at different levels our first challenge was working together in order to make sure we all made it there and back.
After our hike, we travelled back to the campgrounds where we assembled and got to know one another a bit better through some team building activities and talk.
Our next challenge was setting up camp. Using our initiative we came together and constructed a communal campground for inclusivity among ourselves.
We organised our food supplies and were ready for our next adventure.
In 2021, we look forward to being able to highlight the talents of our students by holding our usual array of events such as music performances, the Production and the Presentation Ball amongst others.
There are Covid restrictions still in place, but the intent is to work toward staging the full range of extra-curricular opportunities within the COVIDSafe plan we have in place and being responsive to any changing circumstances.
New and Returning Staff
We welcome our new and returning staff to the College:
Tutor Program:
Di Allan
Jane Archer
Sue Ann Barber
Dion Coulson
Lily Fagioli
Karen Le Lievres
Emily Notley
David Reid
New Staff:
Caleb Azeez | Visual Art |
Dominic Bruno | Middle School House Leader - Hydra |
Health/PE | |
Matthew Eardley | Senior School House Leader - Terra |
Media/Literature/Humanities | |
Erin Gogerly | Health/PE |
Summer Guo | International Student Coordinator |
Lewis Hazelbank | English/Philosophy |
Jenita Jadeja | Maths |
Alma Kairouz | Humanities |
Nicholas Kelly | English |
Genelle Lentini | Learning Specialist - Innovation and Partnerships |
Senior School House Leader - Ignis | |
Emilie Lim | Science/Chemistry |
Jackson Moloney | Head of Middle School - Terra |
Michiyo Naito | Japanese |
Hilda Ngo | Maths/Science |
Edward Nott | Maths/Science |
Alice Parsons | English |
Adriana Pavlidis | Middle School House Leader - Terra |
Media & Humanities | |
Elena Reid | Middle School House Leader - Stella |
Media & Humanities | |
Joanne Shiells | English |
Irene Srbinovski | Middle School Administration Office |
Sandra Vaina | Careers/Pathways |
Alison Wilbraham | Maths/Physics |
College Council Elections
At this time of the year, we are required to call for nominations for places on College Council. This is quite a commitment of time, but an invaluable experience and opportunity to contribute to all aspects of the educational program at the College as well as its governance.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for College Council will take place on Wednesday March 3rd at 6.30pm. This is to celebrate the achievements of 2020 and to set our course for 2021. However, before that date, the College needs to hold College Council elections as there are councillors who will be completing their elected two-year cycle.
I encourage any members of the community to nominate.
We need a committed and energetic group of parents who wish to support the College and ensure that it continues to be a place of educational excellence.
The College Councillors whose term is about to conclude are:
Parent Member:
Lisa Stalder
Student Member:
Tristan Western
Call for Nominations:
The College Council Election process began yesterday with the Notice of Election and Call for Nominations for the period of March 2021 - March 2023.
A Compass Newsfeed was posted yesterday to all parents/guardians/students.
Attached below are the relevant documents, if you are interested, please complete the relevant nomination form and return to Deanne Ioannidis at the College, no later than 4pm, Friday 12th February, 2021.
Translations of these schedules in five community languages (Arabic, Dari, Traditional and Simplified Chinese and Vietnamese) can be found in the School Policy and Advisory Guide at: elections: translated documents and support materials.
Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to the College
The Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs. It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to look into their preferred options in this regard. The Department cannot provide advice to parents or guardians on the purchase of individual student accident policy or ambulance cover.
Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.
This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. As the Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property, students and staff should be discouraged from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school.
Please note:
- Parents or guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs; and
- Parents or guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers.
We very much look forward to seeing you all in person during the year.
Kind Regards,
Principal Class Team
Sharon Grimes, Principal
John Munro, Assistant Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Darren Murray, Acting Assistant Principal