Specialist Programs 

Health & Physical Education, Japanese, Performing Arts & Visual Arts

Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input:

Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education) Justin.Scicluna@education.vic.gov.au

Sensei Masae Uekusa (Japanese) uekusa.masae.m@edumail.vic.gov.au

Penelope Lang (Performing Arts) penelope.lang@education.vic.gov.au 

Samantha White (Visual Arts)  samantha.white@education.vic.gov.au

Justin Scicluna
Penelope Lang
Samantha White
Sensei Masae Uekusa
Justin Scicluna
Penelope Lang
Samantha White
Sensei Masae Uekusa

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...."



All of the specialist teacher's have had a busy couple of weeks delivering their final lessons for 2020. It has certainly been a time of coming together and supporting each other as we head for the finishing line. I feel very lucky to be a part of such a thoughtful team of teachers. This week Mr Scicluna showed the Grade 1 students how to do a groovy head roll; Ms White developed her filming skills (and watched the Macarena almost 15 times!) whilst Sensei Masae gave up her time to sort through your wonderful pet photographs. Our classroom teachers also assisted with the filming of their students for the Christmas Concert. It really has been a whole school effort and a week full of cooperation, flexibility and resilience. A time for us to shine as ultimate role models for our students.


On behalf of the Specialist Team, I would like to say a very big thank you,  to our parents, for supporting all of our programs, Performing Arts, PE, Visual Arts and Japanese, during 2020....in what has been the year that just keeps on giving! We are looking forward to an exciting 2021 (School Production and State School's Spectacular for starters!) and a return to our 'new' normal. 


Finally, I would like to wish Ms White all the best in her new role as a classroom teacher and thank her for her contribution to the specialist team over the last 7 years.


So I hope you all 'have yourself a merry little Christmas'  and make sure you do some 'rockin' around the Christmas tree' for me.

Go well.


Penelope Lang

Performing Arts