A Word of Encouragement

Is it just me or does Christmas feel late this year? Usually the carols are playing in the supermarkets from October and the decorations are up in town well in advance of the actual day. But as I saw the lovely decorations up in town last week, it struck me that this year it feels like Christmas has been on a delay. Have you felt that too? Maybe it’s just that I haven’t been out and about as much as usual. Or maybe it’s a reflection of the year itself, a year in which many things have felt weird, unusual, and unnerving in all sorts of ways. And so maybe it’s just the tentacles of a strange 2020 reaching out to strike even at Christmas.


But I’d like to try to flip that on its head, to let the good news of Christmas influence and reshape the difficulties of 2020 (rather than the other way around). Because surely this year (maybe more than any in my lifetime) we need Christmas! How can Christmas encourage us in a year like 2020?


Well, it’s true that at Christmas there are many things to enjoy and much to celebrate – the love of family and community, the fun of being together, holidays and a chance to play, and of course, the presents! For all these things we can be thankful (especially now that we know we will actually be able to enjoy them as restrictions ease!).  But even more amazing and long-lasting than this great stuff is news of Christmas itself: that God has come close. It sounds so simple. It sounds so familiar. And yet, this news changes everything! It means whatever our trials, we never have to go it alone: God is close and he truly gets it. It means when we hurt, we can cry on the God who is close, the One who hears and can hold us and help us through. And it means the difficulties don’t have to win: God is close and powerful to renew the world he loves. All of this (and more) began that first Christmas when Jesus was born – the day when God came close to live with us. 


So as you finish a difficult school year and enjoy some R&R with family and friends, and as you reflect on your 2020 and all its ups and downs, may the message of Christmas speak afresh to you and fill you with a deep and lasting joy. The kind of joy that bubbles within as you realise you are welcomed to share life with the God who is close. The kind of joy that gives you strength to ride the waves that come. The kind of joy that spurs you on to try again. And the kind of confident joy that comes from the invitation to lean in.


God bless you and keep you this Christmas season!


Rev Karen Reid

Girton Chaplain