
From the Principal

The start to Term 3 feel has been a tough one for most students, staff and families. I would like to pass on my best wishes in these challenging times. We have been thrown back into the metaphorical deep end having lurched into a further two-week lockdown. 


We all know that lockdown comes with many restrictions to our life. Unfortunately, not being physically at school is one of them. I know for many of you that aspects of remote and online learning are difficult and different from the usual face to face learning which we are accustomed to, but I know from past experience that we can all adapt and make the best of the circumstances in which we find ourselves.


To our Year 12 cohort, I sincerely hope you are holding on and keeping on top of the work that your teachers are setting. This lockdown has happened at an inopportune time, as you are approaching SACS, work requirements and in most cases preparing for final exams later in the year. Coping with a similar experience during Year 11 will help you know what to do.  I know it’s a challenge to overcome but I know that the Class of 2021 can overcome this latest setback. The VCAA has today announced some sensible adjustments with the revision of the GAT date to August 12th and Consideration of Educational Disadvantage provisions being reinstated that are similar to last year.


For all of us, challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful, so don’t give up, nor throw in the towel. We are still all in this together, reach out to people who are willing to help. 


I remind all students that your teachers are there for you, they are working extremely hard behind the scenes. It has been a more difficult change for them too as they again need to swap from face-to-face teaching to online learning. If you send them an email or contact through Compass or Teams, they will respond and reach out if you need help.


Also, other students are there for you too. For example, stay in contact with them through the various social media platforms. Check in with your friends and see how they are going too; some people may just need someone to talk to.


I sincerely hope that our college community is keeping safe and well in these times and remain connected with friends and family. The key to getting through this lockdown is to stay positive, maintain a positive mindset and focus on what you can control and do. If you need any help, please reach out.


I hope to see you all again when this lockdown ends. We will come through this as we did before, for the better.  


“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott



Michael Phillips, OAM
